Jerusalem leads the nation with number of apartments, study finds

Jerusalem has roughly 255 thousand housing units, making the capital number one across the country. The fastest growing city? Harish.

AN ISRAELI flag held aloft on Jerusalem Day.  (photo credit: REUTERS)
AN ISRAELI flag held aloft on Jerusalem Day.
(photo credit: REUTERS)
The city with the biggest number of apartments is the capital of Israel Jerusalem with nearly 225 thousand housing units, the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics found.
Tel Aviv is second place with 206 thousand apartments and Haifa, with 120 thousand units, is third, the Wednesday report found out.
The gap between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv is 10% in housing units.
The northern city of Harish grew ten-fold between 2013 and 2018, and 2,700 new apartments built in it. In contrast only a few apartments were built in Kokhav Ya'ir Tzur Yigal and Ma'ale Efrayim.