Netanyahu: Our answer to radical leftists will be in the ballot

In the video radical left activists talk about coming to the private home of Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit and pressure him into making a decision about the Netanyahu investigations.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in video, 'our answer to the left is in the ballot box'
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a video on his social media page on Thursday in which radical left activists talk about coming to the private home of Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit and pressure him into making a decision about the Netanyahu investigations.
Activists Meni Naftali and Eldad Yaniv are speaking in the short video.
"We did not forget you! We're coming to your home! Says Naftali.
"We are going to surprise him [the AG] says Yaniv.
The video concludes with the message "the Left is trying to pressure the AG, our answer is [going to be] in the ballot box."