Barak announces primaries for Labor list

Senior figures in party had proposed that Knesset list for upcoming elections mirror the 2006 list.

ehud barak happy 248.88 (photo credit: AP)
ehud barak happy 248.88
(photo credit: AP)
Labor Chairman Ehud Barak on Thursday dispelled doubt regarding the party's candidate list for the upcoming elections, announcing that primaries will be held despite objections from within Labor. Barak made the announcement at a meeting with Labor ministers. On Tuesday, senior figures in the party, including MKs Binyamin Ben-Eliezer and Amir Peretz, rallied behind a proposition by MK Yoram Marziano that Labor's Knesset list mirror the current list of MKs. Marziano suggested that the party take a "snapshot" of its list of Knesset candidates from the 2006 elections. Others, however, including MKs Ophir Paz-Pines, Ami Ayalon and Shelly Yacimovich, opposed the move, which Yacimovich called "undemocratic." "We must go to open, transparent primaries; any other way will hurt the party," Yacimovich added. Barak has charged MK Eitan Cabel, the party's secretary-general and a close confidante, with running the party's election headquarters.