Defense Min. says doing utmost against Kassams

Defense Ministry sources denied charges on Saturday that Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz and the entire security establishment were failing to provide maximum security for residents of the South, who are frequent victims of Kassam rocket attacks. "Recently the defense minister allocated an additional NIS 30 million to the existing budget of NIS 85 million invested in enhancing the security of residents of the South," the source said. Mofaz has additionally demanded that the relevant authorities responsible for providing the security measures beef up their activities, the source said. At present, Israel has no intention of cutting off the electric power in Gaza or shutting down the border crossings between Israel and Gaza, in response to such attacks, the source added. "While Friday's attack and the harming of a baby is regrettable, one should remember that the Islamic Jihad are responsible. A terror organization who acts independently has no sentiment for the Palestinian public. Therefore, the question that needs to be asked is whether taking such drastic measures will succeed in halting the rocket attacks or harm the Palestinian public not involved in terror, " the source said.