IDF places full closure on Gaza, W. Bank

Police on highest alert throughout Pessah holiday; 16 rockets fired at Israel from Gaza on Friday.

idf balata 224 88 (photo credit: )
idf balata 224 88
(photo credit: )
The IDF declared a full closure on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank on Friday, to remain in effect until after the Pessah holiday. As Givati Brigade soldier David Papian z"l, who was killed early Wednesday along with two of his comrades in a clash with terrorists who tried to infiltrate Israel, was laid to rest Friday on Mt. Herzl in Jerusalem, Kassam rockets continued to pound southern Israel. A total of 14 rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip, two of which landed in Sderot. One caused a fired in a kindergarten, which was empty at the time. No wounded were reported as a result of the attacks. Later Friday evening, two more Kassams landed in Sderot. One stuck a high-tension wire and caused power outages in parts of the city. No wounded were reported as a result of the attack. Meanwhile, in the shadow of terrorist threats emanating from Hizbullah in the North to the Sinai Peninsula in the South, police districts around the country have gone on their highest level of alert ahead of Pessah holiday and Israel's 60th Independence Day celebrations. During the first stage of preparations - which is already under way - thousands of police will form three rings of security extending from the Green Line marking the border with the West Bank, through to Israeli city centers, a police statement said. District forces have been ordered to be on the lookout for any Palestinians who have infiltrated from the West Bank, as part of the police's security preparation. "There are no concrete terrorist threats, but there are general alerts," Jerusalem Police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said. "Preparations this year are larger in scope than previous years, because of the ongoing security incidents around us." Yaakov Lappin contributed to this report.