Natorei Karta support Raed Salah's Aksa cause

Members of the anti-Zionist Ultra-Orthodox Natorei Karta sect visited the leaders of the Islamic Movement in northern Israel Sheikh Raed Salah and his men in Wadi Joz in Jerusalem on Tuesday, Channel 2 news reported. The visit was aimed at showing support for the Salah's protest over being banned from the Temple Mount compound. Salah was recently investigated for incitement after he urged Arabs to 'save Jerusalem' from the Israel Antiquities Authority, which was conducting renovations near the Temple Mount, that he claimed were intended to destroy the Al Aksa mosque. Natorei Karta men held signs bearing slogans such as "Jews are forbidden to harm Islamic religious sites" and "Jerusalem belongs to the Palestinians." A member of the group told reporters that "Zionism is a tragedy for Jews and Muslims as one."