Rabin's assassin declares hunger strike

Amir protests confiscation of appliances, ban on conjugal visits following unauthorized TV interview.

Yigal Amir evil 248.88 (photo credit: AP)
Yigal Amir evil 248.88
(photo credit: AP)
Yigal Amir, former prime minister Yitzhak Rabin's assassin, rejected his meals and announced he was setting on a hunger strike on Sunday in protest of the conditions of his imprisonment. In late October, the Israel Prisons Service (IPS) transferred Amir to Ramon Prison in the South, as punishment for giving an unauthorized interview to Channels 2 and 10. Following the interview, which the IPS suspected was conducted over a cellular video phone Amir received in order to speak with his wife, Larissa Trimbobler, he was placed in the heavily guarded solitary confinement wing at the jail, which houses hundreds of Palestinian terrorists and other security prisoners. Amir is protesting the confiscation of electrical appliances, including a television, DVD player and kettle, and the prohibition of telephone calls, visitors, books and letters. The IPS also banned conjugal visits from Trimbobler for three months. In late October, Channels 2 and 10 decided not to air the controversial interview with Amir, following the heavy criticism which came after excerpts were aired.