Yeshiva man killed in 'over living quarters'

Court extends remand of two murder suspects by 8 days.

A 23-year-old yeshiva student was stabbed to death in Netanya early Wednesday morning by two other students, in what police say was a dispute over living quarters. David Mensharov was assaulted by two men and stabbed repeatedly. He was seen by neighbors staggering in the street, and was rushed by paramedics to Netanya's Laniado Hospital, where he was declared dead. Police have arrested two suspects, Avi Ben-Naim, aged 22 and Yizhak Hanuka 35, in connection with the slaying. The Netanya Magistrate's Court extended their remand by 8 days. The murder victim and the two suspects all attended a local yeshiva known as "the Kollel," which takes in newly religious young people with criminal records, as part of an effort to rehabilitate violent offenders. The Prison Rehabilitation Authority runs a program under which well-behaved offenders are released two-thirds into their prison sentences to centers around the country, among them religious centers like the Kollel. "The background is a dispute over living space in the dorms," a police source told The Jerusalem Post. "This dispute has been going on for two days. It turns out a previous fight broke out two days ago, but that was not reported to police," the source added. The source dismissed a Ynet report which claimed the fight was linked to a "halachic disagreement."