London mayor to light Hanukka candles

Livingstone: "I extend warmest wishes to all Jewish Londoners celebrating this joyous occasion.

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(photo credit: Associated Press)
London Mayor Ken Livingstone has sent a greeting to London's Jewish community celebrating Hanukka. "I would like to wish everyone a very happy Hanukka," said Livingstone. "I extend warmest wishes to all Jewish Londoners celebrating this joyous occasion. Jewish people have over many centuries made incalculable contributions to world literature, learning, art and commerce. London's Jewish communities continue to make a major contribution to London's success as a great world city." He added that Hanukka was a time to celebrate the joy of religious freedom. "This city's prosperity as the world's greatest international business center as well as its social harmony," he said, "entirely depends on our ability to enjoy and respect the diversity of cultures and faiths which enables this city to welcome people from every part of the world." In honor of the festival the mayor will light a three-meter tall hanukkia that looks over the Thames River at City Hall on Wednesday in the presence of community leaders, organizations and individuals from all faiths. Rabbi Gershon Overlander from Chabad will officiate the ceremony.