Paper recycling to open new page in Netanya

Despite being disappointed by the results of an experiment with paper recycling bins in several neighborhoods, Netanya city officials have decided to expand the program and place paper recycling bins throughout the entire city, reports A city councilor said it clearly would take time for the local populace to learn to separate paper waste products from other types of garbage and place them in the special bins, but the project was worth pursuing and even enlarging. According to the report, the city launched a pilot program with 120 paper recycling bins placed in the Ramat Poleg and Kiryat Hasharon neighborhoods, as well as in all the city's elementary schools. The report said the results were a "disappointment," but the city nevertheless decided last week to expand the project and place the bins all over town. Local councilor Shiri Heguel-Sidon said that raising the awareness of recycling in the population was a process. "It is clear to all of us that it will take time until families learn to separate normal litter from paper products and to put them in the separate bins placed in buildings," Heguel-Sidon said. She added that she believed that just as children were being taught at school not to pluck wildflowers and to reduce their use of plastic bags, and were then teaching their parents, so too would children be the ones to teach their parents about paper recycling. The cost of the project was not stated.