People of the year

Read JPost's selections of those who stood out from the crowd this past year and make a selection of your own.

people of the year 298  (photo credit: )
people of the year 298
(photo credit: )


...was indeed a tumultuous year. A year that will no doubt find its path into the history books. The events that took place this past year - Sharon's illness, elections, the rise of Hamas and the war in Lebanon to name a few - will have an impact for many years to come. To read Amotz Asa-El's year in review, click here. Which individuals - Jewish or Israeli - made their mark on 5766? Who do you think stood out from the crowd? To respond, please use the talkback icon above. Here is who The Jerusalem Post selected in the following categories:

The war in Lebanon

Gilad Shalit, Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev - Still awaiting word Ro'i Klein - True IDF hero who saved his soldiers' lives by throwing hismelf on a grenade The volunteers - The war forced Israeli generosity into the spotlight, and it responded Prof. Shaul M. Shasha - Hospital director's vision saved lives Arkadi Gaydamak - Stepped up when the government was no where to be seen

The first women

Dorit Beinich - Madam Chief Justice Miri Eisen - The new queen of public relations Dalia Itzik - First female Knesset Speaker in Israel's history


Tzipi Livni - It's safe to say that at this time last year few people outside Israel or the Jewish world had ever heard of Tzipi Livni. Rafi Eitan - The savior of the seniors Shumel Abuhav - Housing and Construction Ministry director eased hardship of Gaza evacuees


Stef Wertheimer - Manufacturing Mideast peace with a $4 billion price tag Robert Aumann - Nobel Prize winner in economics Shai Doron - Led the University of Maryland to the NCAA title