
Jerusalem Post's talented team of journalists provides insight into their work presented in the opinion section. This section highlights the beliefs and values that experienced writers who are witnessing the Middle East turmoil unfold. Their first hand encounters with world leaders have shaped their opinions and world views to be shared on this page.

Israel’s Independence Day is a time for mourning and celebration

Challenging traditional Jewish mourning practices during the Omer, exploring their historical development and significance in Jewish time.


My Word: Combining commemoration and celebration

We survive not just because we remember the past but because we understand that, no matter what, we have a future. Am Yisrael chai! 

Parashat Kedoshim: The holiness of inclusion

The essence of holiness lies in recognizing the inherent dignity and worth of every human being, regardless of their abilities or limitations.


Pride is needed and should not be cancelled

The Broad Perspective: Hosting a Pride Parade, now more than ever, can draw international attention to the struggles faced by this Israeli minority and garner support from allies.

On its 76th birthday, Israel is tested like never before

Now, as the most somber Independence Day since Israel’s establishment approaches, the question indeed arises: How does October 7 fit into Jewish history, and what does it say about the Zionist idea?

Editors Notes: Biden heard the words of Israeli PMs, but didn't actually listen

President Biden, we literally have no place to go. And no, as Begin told you, we won’t sit back and wait for someone else to eliminate Hamas. 


A crossroad: Israel’s evolving war goals in Rafah

The stakes are too high now for ambiguity. Israelis, on the eve of Independence Day, deserve a comprehensive plan that outlines the path to security, detailing how it can be achieved.


Israel must maintain an edge over tech, with a stronger emphasis on AI

If the Israeli economy wishes to continue to thrive, its unlimited pool of talented computer scientists, engineers, and mathematicians must leverage its capabilities to drive AI innovation.

'Freedom for Palestine means death to America'

When activists say they want intifada in the US, they mean they want October 7 to happen in America. Their "decolonization" comes at the expense of America's safety, says writer.

First they came for the Jews, but then... - opinion

The canary is singing, but who’s listening? Jews are raising the alarm, it's high time you pay attention, says writer.

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