'Syrian long-range missiles in Lebanon'

Syria gives Hizbullah m

Hizbullah arms cache blast 248.88 (photo credit: )
Hizbullah arms cache blast 248.88
(photo credit: )
Syria has transferred nearly a quarter of its long- and medium-range missile arsenal to Hizbullah, the Kuwaiti al Jarida reported on Thursday. According to the report, security sources in Jerusalem told the paper that the missiles, now held by Hizbullah, could hit every part of Israel. Iranian and Syrian officers were reportedly training the Hizbullah operatives in using the new missiles and in operating early warning systems intended to alert the group of Israeli jets. The Jerusalem Post could not confirm the report. The Kuwaiti article comes days after Israel's Ambassador to the UN Gabriela Shalev called on UN peacekeepers to investigate Monday night's apparent weapons cache blast in the home of a Hizbullah operative in Tayr Filsay, southern Lebanon. In a letter of complaint sent to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the president of the Security Council, Le Luong Minh of Vietnam, Shalev said Israel has "considerable" reason to believe the house where the explosion took place served as an arms storage facility for Hizbullah. Shalev also said that in the aftermath of the explosion, Hizbullah operatives sealed off the area and attempted to remove evidence. Following the blast in Tyre, President Shimon Peres said that Hizbullah was turning Lebanon into a "powder keg," and the IDF released footage showing apparent arms transfer activity at the home. Yaakov Katz AND E.B. Solomont contributed to this report