C'tee rules against making Ariel school a university

Educational institution in West Bank settlement will not receive funding boost full-fledged university status would have entailed.

Ariel UNV (photo credit: Students at the Ariel University Center in Samaria)
Ariel UNV
(photo credit: Students at the Ariel University Center in Samaria)
The Planning and Budgeting Committee of the Council for Higher Education ruled Wednesday not to upgrade the status of the Ariel University Center in the West Bank to a full-fledged university.
Colleges in Israel do not receive research funding, which means they receive about 50% less money from government than do universities. In 2007, Ariel College was granted temporary status as a university center that would be granted full university status after a five year period. That period was set to end in July.
Last week, presidents of Israeli universities expressed opposition to the official granting of university status to the Ariel educational institution. The university heads argued that the addition of another university would undercut funding for their institutions. In the past, academics boycotted the university because it was situated in a West Bank settlement.
The Planning and Budgeting Committee of the Council for Higher Education said Wednesday that the Ariel University Center should maintain its current status until a wider examination of the issue can be conducted in 2013.
Ben Hartman contributed to this report.