Jerusalem takes center stage on Channel 1 this week

Yigal Ravid utilizes Israel Film Archives to bring viewers rare footage of Jerusalem from the end of the 19th century.

Yigal Ravid 311 (photo credit: Courtesy)
Yigal Ravid 311
(photo credit: Courtesy)
Jerusalem will be the focus of Channel 1 in animated films, children’s shows, news, documentaries and talk shows from Tuesday to Friday this week.
Among the most interesting will be Yigal Ravid’s The Way It Was, a weekly nostalgia show in which prominent personalities relive the past in tandem with old film clips about themselves.
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This time Ravid has utilized not only Channel 1 archives, but also the Israel Film Archives to bring viewers rare footage of Jerusalem from the end of the 19th century. He will focus on the years 1896 through 1967, which include the reunification of the city and the legendary mayor Teddy Kollek. The 100th anniversary of his birth was celebrated on Friday, and the Jerusalem Foundation and Knesset will honor him in a ceremony on Thursday.
Viewers will be able to catch glimpses of what the Jerusalem looked like at the end of Ottoman rule, during the British Mandate period, during the War of Independence, and just beyond the Six Day War.
Ravid’s studio guest at 6 p.m. on Friday will be the ever-controversial Meron Benvenisti, who served as deputy mayor under Teddy Kollek from 1971 to 1978, during which period he was responsible for the administration of east Jerusalem. Kollek has been an outspoken critic against what he perceives to be injustices against the Arab population, and is among the proponents for a binational state.
Additionally, Yoav Ginai’s interview program Lagat Baruach (Touching the Spirit) at 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday will feature an interview with architect, town-planner and historian David Kroyanker, who has written extensively about the architectural history of the city. Kroyanker, who was born in Jerusalem, has received several awards in recognition of his contributions to life in the city – particularly for making the public more aware of the need to preserve historic sites.
Ginai will interview Kroyanker at his home in Jerusalem’s Malha neighborhood. They will talk about Kroyanker’s childhood in Rehavia, which has undergone tremendous change in recent years, about his architectural studies in London, his work and research, and in particular, about his dedication to the restoration of old buildings including the Windmill in Rehavia, Ticho House in the center of the city and the Mount Zion hotel, which was once a hospital.
Also on Tuesday, at 9:30 p.m., Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat will be Oded Shahar’s studio guest on Politica.
On Wednesday at 6 p.m. there will be a live broadcast from the official Jerusalem Day ceremony at Ammunition Hill with the participation of President Shimon Peres, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, as well as the families of soldiers who died in battle at Ammunition Hill.
Additionally, there will also be two programs at 8:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. on Wednesday dealing with books about Jerusalem, and writers who use Jerusalem as their central theme.