#GrowingUpJewish: Twitter's take on what it's like to be part of the tribe

From thinking everyone knows Yiddish to having over-protective mothers, Twitter users weigh in on what it's like to be #GrowingUpJewish.

MOLDOVIAN JEWS celebrate Shabbat at Limmud FSU conference last year.  (photo credit: COURTESY LIMMUD FSU)
MOLDOVIAN JEWS celebrate Shabbat at Limmud FSU conference last year.
(photo credit: COURTESY LIMMUD FSU)
We've all been there. You'd be lying if you said you didn’t have holiday envy as your Christian friends noshed on chocolate bunnies while you tried to chow down some matzo. You'd be senseless to think there is anything more important than calling your mother before Shabbat and you would be crazy if you'd rather have it any other way!
So what is it? Is it the over-protective Jewish mothers? Is it the wonderful, food-centric holidays that no other culture seems to get? Is it the network of Jewish Geography that you are automatically connected to, just by attending summer camp or joining a youth movement? Social media weighs in on what it's like to be #GrowingUpJewish.
This December dilemma: 

But really, is there such thing as too many sweatshirts?

This common misconception about the holidays:

This total Goy move:

These endless questions:

The rebellious Jewish girl's struggle:

When you basically speak two languages:

This typical Jewish Dad joke:

When some things just don't make sense:

When your mother dictates your love life:

When you're always trying to figure out who you know from their summer camp:

When your mom monitors your every move:

And when you love her because no matter what, she's always right: