Letters to a Fallen Father: 'I thought you would come back'

"Why didn't you say 'goodbye' when you left?" Hayut writes to her father, Kasahun Baynesian, who fell in battle.

Hayut and Kasahun Baynesian (photo credit: IDF WIDOWS AND ORPHANS ORGANIZATION)
Hayut and Kasahun Baynesian
Thursday, December 18, 2014
To Dear Daddy,
It's hard to understand it,
And why didn't you say "goodbye" when you left?
And I know you didn't come back safe
And I thought you would come back.
I know I'll do exactly what you asked, Daddy.
I love you,
Hayut and all the Beinsiyan Family
Hayut Baynesian, aged 7.5, from Netivot, is the daughter of Warrant Officer Kasahun Baynesian who fell in "Operation Protective Edge" in an engagement with terrorists near Kibbutz Nir-Am.
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