Jerusalem Post Letters to the Editor: Like ostriches

Let us not underestimate the situation and denigrate “the oddest of political couples.”

Letters (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Like ostriches
Herb Keinon’s “Extreme rhetoric” (Frontlines, March 4) exemplifies the difference in approach between ourselves and the Palestinians.
Being ostriches has not served the Jewish people well in the past, and will not serve us well in the future. The Palestinians have a 50-year perspective, whereas we put our heads in the sand and have a 50-day perspective.
Growing isolation is a problem not to be underestimated.
The Palestinians have learned that defeating Israel on the battlefield may not happen, though they can make life worse for us through persistent terrorism, especially as a lot of people in the West see this instead as merely “resistance.” While on the ground they have made no progress, on the international political stage, the Palestinians have done brilliantly.
The Lapid-Liberman meeting in the Knesset, although of course political in nature, was the right thing to do, for when comparing Israel’s international standing of just 10 years ago with that of today, only the blind will not see the deterioration. The difference between the examples Keinon shows is that the movement to defeat Israel is now more grassroots in nature, and not necessarily official policy.
Meanwhile, with regard to “‘Jerusalem Post’ NY conference set to be biggest and best yet” (March 4), you are advertising 16 high-profile speakers for your May 22 conference. Twelve of them will support the ostrich line.
Let us not underestimate the situation and denigrate “the oddest of political couples.”
After all, saying “Oy vey, the Arabs are coming!” was once considered extreme rhetoric – and look what’s happened.
Some failure!
With regard to “Don’t give up on Israel” (Comment & Features, March 3), I was outraged to read that Rabbi David Gordis feels “Israel has failed to realize its promise for me.”
As far as I know, Israel did not promise anything to Rabbi Gordis, who lives in a distant land. But after a few minutes of thought, I calmed down and realized that he is right – Israel has failed.
Israel has failed the orange trees. When I started work in Rehovot’s tiny science park, we were surrounded by them. We used to pick a bag or two on our lunch breaks. Now they’re gone, replaced by large concrete buildings housing hi-tech companies developing that next world-beating computer app or perhaps a cure for cancer.
We have failed the donkeys. In the 1970s, a donkey cart would deliver our lonely science-based factory’s daily supply of liquid nitrogen. Now, a large, modern tanker does the job.
We have failed the desert.
Once we could drive through vast empty areas on our way down to Eilat. Now, the scenery has been ruined by date plantations, fields of crops and our latest failure – huge solar farms.
We have failed the Ethiopians.
When large numbers of them turned up, we housed many in converted shipping containers.
We could have kept them in refugee camps. But we failed, and today they live just like any other Israeli citizen.
We have failed our best friend, America. Unlike other countries, we won’t let a single American serviceman be stationed here, forcing the US to save some $5 billion a year.
We have also failed our fellow Jews. In most western counties, intermarriage is running at unprecedented rates. We have yet to bring home the dying remnants of our people still living in exile, having failed to get across the message that Israel is the only place for a full and safe Jewish life.
Yes, looking around our wonderful country, I can only say: Some failure!
Shortest route
Numerous Waze users who are unaware of the “avoid dangerous areas” setting have been directed to the shortest route between two points, which in Israel does not necessarily mean the safest route (“No direction home,” Comment, March 2).
David Brinn writes: “Nobody seems to have the answer to the route we need to take for a better future.... The correct path might be more circuitous, involve some danger and include a number of detours....”
We have already tried all the routes, most of which have been deadly to our people. For two soldiers (or, for that matter, anyone) having to “avoid dangerous areas” so as not to be lynched says quite clearly that we must take back control of our land. We saw it happen just over 15 years ago, when two reservists found themselves in the same situation and took refuge in a Palestinian Authority police station, thinking they would be safe. Instead, they were savagely and brutally murdered and thrown into the street for our “partners in peace” to rip to pieces.
There is a simple answer to our situation and it is not circuitous – it is to bring about the collapse of the PA, which only survives because it is propped up by Israel.
What ‘occupation’?
With regard to “Pass the popcorn – Gaza audiences enjoy first night out at the movies in 20 years” (March 1), when will The Jerusalem Post stop accusing Israel of “occupation”? The Reuters reporter writes: “Faded movie posters, some in Hebrew and dating back two decades when Gaza was under Israeli occupation....” Seriously? Does the Post take the position that Gaza was “occupied” by Israel? The article was not an op-ed piece. Leave the “occupation” claims to Haaretz and make sure you report the news.
They don’t get it
Regarding “Woman charged with murder after brandishing child’s severed head in Moscow” (March 1), the Russians seem to have no idea what Islamists are planning for their country and others around the world. They see a woman holding a severed baby’s head, and their first reaction is for her “to undergo psychiatric tests to establish whether she is capable of understanding the significance of her actions.”
They just don’t get it. She’s practicing!
Standard approach
In her column “Rubio, Trump and Israel” (Right from Wrong, February 29), Ruthie Blum reflects the standard Israeli approach to the American elections in considering the level of a given candidate’s or party’s friendship and support for Israel.
Although this is a significant point, the ultimate question is whether the candidate and/or party is good for America, because a strong and prosperous America means a strong and prosperous Israel.
As an American citizen, I was appalled and embarrassed by the behavior of the three major Republican candidates at the last debate.
All I heard was insults being traded left and right, arguing and talking over each other like children, and the front-runner boasting about the size of his private parts. These are not qualities of a presidential candidate.
Ironically, the only candidate who didn’t engage in such childish behavior was John Kasich – and he doesn’t stand a chance at the nomination.
I truly hope the rest of the world knows that this is not an indication of how many of us Americans act or think.
JEFF SWANSON Everett, Washington
After electing Barack Obama, who supports the Muslim Brotherhood and has capitulated to Iran, Americans are now looking for salvation in an American Mussolini who brags about the size of his penis. Tocqueville must be turning in his grave.