Letters to the Editor: June 28, 2015

“Doing this for the people of Israel?” One shudders to think what Feiler might do against the people of Israel.

Letters (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Flotilla redux
Your June 25 headline “‘I am doing this for the Israeli people’” describes a smiling Dror Feiler, “who grew up in Israel and served as an IDF paratrooper [and] now lives in Sweden after being banned from entering Israel until 2022 because of his participation in previous flotillas, and has not seen his 92-year-old mother for years.”
It is worth mentioning that in January 2003, Feiler and his Swedish wife proudly presented a so-called work of art with a likeness of Hanadi Jaradat, the suicide bomber who blew herself up in Café Maxim in Haifa, gliding serenely on a wooden boat called “Snow White” in a pool of red water depicting blood. The occasion? A propaganda event entitled “One person can make a difference.”
Jaradat certainly did make a difference: She murdered 21 Israelis in her attack and injured another 51.
Among the victims were two families and four children, including a two-month-old baby.
“Doing this for the people of Israel?” One shudders to think what Feiler might do against the people of Israel.
Gothenburg, Sweden
Your editorial “Ghattas’s mission” (June 24) describes the “‘humanitarian aid’ ships provocatively making their way to Gaza” in doomsday terms, a “win-win proposition for the organizers.”
Americans see it as a replay of the Cuban missile crisis (1962), when John F. Kennedy was president and the stakes were much higher.
Informed people said the US blockade of Cuba was an act of war. But there was no war. Kennedy was not intimidated by the Cubans, who were to receive arms – perhaps atomic warheads. He was protecting US citizenry.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu need not be intimidated by Arab Knesset members such as Basel Ghattas who openly support our enemies. By stopping the suspicious convoy, the prime minister will be acting to prevent existential an danger to Israel and Israelis.
MK Basel Ghattas is following the route taken by fellow Joint List MK Haneen Zoabi to break the law and find fame under the protection of Knesset immunity. This will encourage more and more “heroes” to sail to Gaza – and not to Syria or Yemen, where help is much more needed.
The main purpose of these flotillas is to challenge and pressure Israel more than to feed the “starving” children of Gaza.
The blockade of Gaza is, of course detrimental to the future peace of the region and an agreement for a two-state solution.
However, those who protest and vilify Israel’s behavior, including in last summer’s conflict, ignore the facts.
Gaza has been given billions of dollars, with the very humane idea that this money be used to build schools, hospitals, roads and other infrastructure that helps create a modern society. Instead, the awful people charged with running it use the funds to build terror tunnels, rockets and mortars for the sole purpose of killing men, women and children. Yet the world ignores these facts.
I know I am preaching to the choir. However I pray that just one world leader who has previously ignored the inconvenient truths will tell Gazans that it is time to build bridges to peace, not tunnels to war.
Citizen beneficiaries
Concerning your editorial “Gas pains” (June 25), regardless of the details, the gas companies will receive their profits and the government will receive its taxes and royalties. But I will wait with bated breath for my gas and electricity bills to be lowered, though I’m afraid that might be fatal.
Empty promises
In “Obviously no peace now, so that then?” (Encountering Peace, June 25), Gershon Baskin is detached from reality. His entire premise is based on the Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 49, which has absolutely no relevance to the Six Day War and events that followed.
We live in a very small country that is difficult to see on a world map. Defensible borders are imperative for our survival, and we do not need to make peace with the Palestinians or anyone else who demands our land in return for empty promises.
Tel Aviv
Genuflection In his column castigating MK and former ambassador to the US Michael Oren for his severe criticisms of President Barack Obama (“Michael Oren, widening the American-Israeli divide,” Washington Watch, June 25), Douglas Bloomfield describes anti-Israel actions, words and deeds of several previous presidents. So why, I ask myself, are so many Israelis so distrustful of the current American president? The answer should be obvious to Bloomfield.
It is the actions, deeds and words of Obama that will permit Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon, only one of which need be deployed to destroy our whole country. Delaying the ability of Iran to develop such a deadly weapon for 10 years is like saying to a sick person, “Fear not, for you will not die of this illness for many few months.”
I recall Obama’s comments that America will not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon, and that all options are on the table to ensure this. How this contrasts with his public statement that should a majority of Congress pass a resolution to stop the Iran agreement, he will immediately veto it.
Could Iran wish for any better information, and could any Israeli feel happy with these views?
Tel Mond
Having had some experience reading Douglas Bloomfield’s columns, it was hard to imagine that he was able to stop himself from genuflecting before his “emperor,” US President Barack Obama, long enough to try to savage Michael Oren.
We know that life only imitates art: In the children’s story, once the simple child states the simple truth, everyone agrees. In real life, Bloomfield and a horde of liberal Jewish leaders simply cannot admit that the emperor is naked.
Farewell letters
Regarding “‘Asking soldiers to write farewell letters before Gaza war lowered morale’” (June 24), this is unbelievable.
Commanders should have quoted World War II American general George Patton, who told his soldiers: “Your job is not to die for your country. Your job is to make the other bastard die for his.”
Short and to the point, for war is hell.
Kiryat Motzkin
She tried her best
With regard to “Parents’ union calls for school strike on Sunday” (June 24), I taught in a high school in the United States for almost 30 years. We had five classes a day, and in most there were 40 or even more students, which means I taught almost 200 children a day.
When there were not enough desks in the room, the principal said, and I quote: “So turn over the trash cans.” Let us say I tried my best.
It is not fair to either teachers or students to be in crowded classrooms.
Such conditions prevent good teaching and good give-and-take by students with peers or the teacher.
I remember the days when Israel’s kids were getting top grades and kudos for being so advanced in their studies. We have to return to those days for the good of the state and to prevent our best and brightest from looking abroad for a better future.
Beit Shemesh
“Learning to love others” (Comment & Features, June 24) was by Dovid Gottlieb, and not as stated. We apologize for the error.