Letters to the editor

Now it’s clear

Letters (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Now it’s clear
Your article “March in east Jerusalem to protest eviction of 2 Arab families” (March 27) includes comments from a member of the Sub Laban family given to a pro-Palestinian website.
I think it is very important that this was reported, as the family member said in stark detail that the lease had been granted by “Jordan’s Custodian of Enemy Property.” Thus, to the Jordanians, the home in question was enemy property (i.e., Jewish and/or Israeli property it took over after it forced all Jewish residents out of the Old City in 1948).
The Sub Laban family and the protest organizers are to be thanked for clarifying the issue.
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What about how?
In “We need electoral reform now” (Observations, March 27), Lior Ackerman lists all the benefits we would get. What he leaves out is how to implement electoral reform.
Not on her table
With regard to the caption under the photo accompanying “Why is this ice cream different from all other ice creams?” (March 27), I disagree. Ben & Jerry’s “haroset” ice cream would not be “perfectly at home” on my Seder table.
One of the most well-known aspects of kashrut is that we don’t serve meat and milk products together. Even those who don’t observe kashrut know this.
My point here is about a lack of sensitivity by both the secular and religious sectors of Jewish society to each other’s way of life. If something this obvious goes unnoticed, what hope is there for us to resolve our differences and unite as one people?
Better solution
In “Managing Obama’s war against Israel” (Column One, March 27), Caroline B. Glick makes many powerful and valid points. However, her denouement and stratagem for the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli struggle (i.e., the annexation of Judea and Samaria, and eventually enfranchising the Arab population with citizenship) is a recipe for disaster.
In light of our recent elections, the Joint List secured 13 Knesset seats for its members. Citizenship for the Arabs of Judea and Samaria could potentially increase the number of Arab seats in the Knesset to 30. If today’s 13 is problematic, it doesn’t take much imagination as to what impact that would have on the character, symbols and even viability of the state to remain “Jewish.”
There’s only one credible solution, and that is a non-coercive but humanitarian and generous relocation grant to Arabs living in Judea and Samaria, as already formulated by the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies.
Zichron Ya’acov
Getting over it
In “Palestinians – get over it and recognize the Jewish nation state” (Encountering Peace, March 26),Gershon Baskin suggests that to gain Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state, it concede to the Palestinians everything they demand. He includes protection of the Palestinian minority in Israel, with no mention of a Jewish minority in Palestine. Perhaps he believes Palestine will indeed be without a single Jew.
The foolishness of this bargain is self-evident even without the fact that Germany, as it invaded, never denied that France was the French state.
Mr. Baskin is an eloquent spokesman, but it does not seem to be for us.
Be careful, Israelis. Don’t be fooled! Know that Gershon Baskin is just restating his leftist belief that all will be well when Israel gives up its land of almost 4,000 years in Judea and Samaria, and also in its holy capital, in favor of imposed borders.
Even if this were to happen, the Arabs would never accept a Jewish state. This is evident in their words and in what they teach their children.
So I agree. Palestinians, get over it! RENIE HIRSCH Netanya
Coming to terms
The headline for Susan Hattis Rolef’s “Coming to terms with reality” (Think About It, March 23) proves that she herself has not.
Instead of trotting out the same old mantra – that the election was lost because of “dirty” tactics – and postulating a more sophisticated version of “the people are a stupid bunch of mezuza kissers,” Rolef would do well to engage in a bit of soul searching.
She should ask herself some basic questions: What was wrong with my party’s platform? Where were we at fault? Where did we go wrong? Did we fail to get our point of view over to the average voter? If so, why? And what can we do to improve our appeal? The sad fact is that the Left has still not internalized that politics in Israel changed forever in 1977. Its adherents must try to deal positively with that reality instead of with the view of the late Labor Party icon Yitzhak Ben-Aharon, who said at the time that if this was the verdict of the people, we will have to change the people.
This is probably why Labor has won outright only two elections since 1977.
Regulate e-bikes...
I recently experienced a growing menace on our streets.I was visiting Ra’anana for Shabbat, and while walking with friends along a main thoroughfare in the evening, one of these electrically enhanced bicycles whizzed past us on the sidewalk rather than on the road, where it belonged. It missed me by a whisker. It was followed by a group of e-bikers, heading toward us at speed.
I am an active octogenarian, but my jumping days are over. My companion pushed me out of the way and, luckily, I had a soft landing in a flowerbed. I was shocked but not seriously hurt.
None of the riders was wearing a helmet. They were putting themselves, as well as their victims, at risk.
I understand that attempts have been made to legislate regulations and that riders have been called upon to show responsibility on the road. None of this was evident with these speedsters.
Hopefully, when we have a new government, this issue – although obviously far, far down the list – will be addressed.
Pavements are for pedestrians, not souped-up racing machines! SHEILA BRULL Jerusalem
...and the others
I am fed up with all these bikes on the sidewalks every second of the day. They are extremely dangerous to people who are minding their own business while trying to walk in peace. Why is the law not cracking down on them? Only a couple of years ago, while my daughter, husband and I were crossing a road in a proper crosswalk, one of these killer bikes hit my daughter, breaking her arm.
Eventually, the lunatic rider, who went flying over his handlebars, surfaced and came over to apologize.
But the damage was done.
Most riders do not use bells to warn of their approach. Many don’t even have one! If a pedestrian were to step to the right or left just to look in a shop window, tie a shoelace, take a phone call or whatever, in one fell swoop there will be an accident.
Laws exist to protect citizens.
So start protecting! ELIZABETH YAFFE Ramat Gan
During the editing of “Holocaust survivors plead: Help us hold Passover Seder” (March 27), information as to where donations can be sent was inadvertently deleted. They can be made through the organization’s Facebook page (www.facebook.com/aihhs) or via phone (03- 5257888) or email (Help1945@ gmail.com).