April 15: Archeological ‘find’

It astonishes me that Simcha Jacobovici could suggest for one moment that two nails found in an ossuary may have been from the cross where Jesus of Nazareth was believed crucified.

Archeological ‘find’
Sir, – It astonishes me that Simcha Jacobovici could suggest for one moment that two nails found in an ossuary may have been from the cross where Jesus of Nazareth was believed crucified (“With ‘Nails of the Cross,’ Israeli filmmaker reopens explosive centuriesold debate,” April 13).
He appears to overlook completely the fact that there were hundreds of crucifixions, day after day and week after week, and on the basis of three nails for each crucifixion, there were thousands and tens of thousands over a period of time.
I appreciate that Jacobovici wishes to investigate and make a film, but to maintain that there is even a remote possibility that these specific nails were from the crucifixion of Jesus must be rubbish.
Sir, – I am very excited and impressed by Simcha Jacobovici’s discovery. However, I would be far more overwhelmed if he would come up with the clawhammer that Caiaphas used to pull the nails, to say nothing of the small ladder used to get to the top of the cross to reach them.
Looking forward to more startling and thrilling “archaeological finds.”
Sir, – It is puzzling to see a front page report about a “find” by historian-showman Simcha Jacobovici. In fact it is downright irritating.
What could your editors possibly have been thinking? It reflects a peculiar sense of news evaluation to place a promotional item on the front page as news.
Did nothing else happen in the country, the region or the world that might conceivably be a tad more newsworthy?
All for naught
Sir, – “School of hard knocks” (Comment & Features, April 12) was the latest in a number of news items, reports and op-eds describing joint Jewish-Arab kindergartens, schools, summer camps, clubs and the like, whose organizers assure us that these projects will bring peace and understanding.
Like my father before me, I went to a non-Jewish school. Virtually all my classmates and friends were non-Jews. We studied together, did homework together, played together and visited each other’s homes.
My father’s family had been living in Germany for almost a thousand years.
My mother’s people were new arrivals – they came only in 1492, after the expulsion from Spain. We considered ourselves to be Germans.
With the outbreak of the First World War, my father and his two brothers volunteered to fight in the German army. One brother, Ludwig, was killed in action; the other, Siegfried, was invalided out of the army after being severely wounded, and was awarded Germany’s highest honor for bravery. My father, too, was awarded a medal for bravery.
None of this stopped their ex-comrades from rounding them up, together with my mother, sister and Ludwig’s widow, and herding them into cattle cars to be sent to the death camps, where they were murdered by my ex-schoolmates.
The only reason they didn’t murder me is because I had been sent to England before the war on a Kindertransport.
Einstein said, “There are only two things that are infinite: the universe and human stupidity – but I’m not sure about the former.”
Petah Tikva
For shame
Sir, – Abe Krieger (“Revolting aberration,” Letters, April 12) complains The Jerusalem Post reported that an Orthodox man spat in someone’s face.
If someone dresses so as to be identified with a particular community, he shouldn’t be surprised when that is how he is described. If he does something shameful, he does indeed bring shame on his community.