March 12: May peace (and quiet) prevail

A prohibition of loud and annoying activities, especially playing loud music in residential areas, is long overdue.

May peace (and quiet) prevail
Sir, – Regarding the article “Quiet to Prevail for longer hours on residential streets” (March 11), may it be true and speedily so.
A prohibition of loud and annoying activities, especially playing loud music in residential areas, is long overdue. I am 92 years young, but I suffer from viciously loud “music” from our younger neighbors below us, often at all hours of the day and night. Our whole house vibrates, making sleep, and even daily living, impossible. I fear that the delicate structure of our 19th-century preserved house is being damaged as well.
Jaffa police have tried to help, but the music is usually conveniently turned down just before they arrive with blue lights on. On rare occasions when the police witness the loud music, they only reprimand. Often, just after they leave, the music goes up again.
I hope and pray that the proposed legislation gains wide support and is implemented and enforced very soon.
May peace prevail.
    REED HOLMES    Tel Aviv-Jaffa
Spanish tribunal
Sir, – Regarding the editorial “The Spanish disease” (March 10), I would like to clarify that (contrary to a report from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency) the embassy did not say or imply that “it was no coincidence that the ‘Russell Tribunal’… was held in Spain… noting the ‘worrying situation of anti-Semitism’ in the country.”
    LIOR HAIAT     Spokesman,     Israeli Embassy                Madrid
Trust? What trust?
Sir, – Vice President Joe Biden slammed Israel for announcing plans to build 1,600 homes in east Jerusalem, saying that “it undermines the trust we need right now in order to begin profitable negotiations” (“Biden rebukes Israel over Ramat Shlomo housing plan, saying it ‘undermines trust,’” March 10).
Let us look for a moment at what the PA has done to bolster trust on the part of Israel.
When Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu requested that Israel be recognized as a Jewish state, the answer was no.
A murderer of 37 Israelis was honored by having a square named after her this week in Ramallah.
PA President Mahmoud Abbas continues to attend events where maps show the Palestinian flag covering not just the areas they demand for a state, but the entire country of Israel.
Do we hear Biden condemn any of this? What kind of trust do actions like this engender?
Without condemnation of such actions by our president and vice president, one can’t help but wonder how much Israel can trust America.
    DAN CALIC    San Ramon, California
Correspondence with the rebbetzin
Sir, – While reading the item about the late chief Rabbi Yitzhak Herzog and his rebbetzin in Greer Fay Cashman’s column (“Political playtime,” March 10), I was reminded of my good fortune, as a public stenographer, to have had the rebbetzin as one of my clients. She would invite me to help answer her correspondence, which consisted mostly of donations to charity that people had sent her to distribute, not knowing where else to send it.
Most of the donations were just a few bills inserted into an envelope; some were for checks for no more than $5. When, on one occasion, I got up the nerve to suggest that her paying me to answer every donor and then mail a receipt and cover letter abroad often cost more than the donation itself, she immediately replied, in Yiddish, “Saraele, if I were as fearful of the Almighty as I am of the $5 donors, I would be a righteous woman.” A true aishet hayil.
    SARA ROTH     Jerusalem
No free lunches
Sir, – The Palestinians “deserve” a viable state (“‘Palestiniansdeserve viable state,” Online Edition, March 10)? Not without beingwilling and able to act constructively to get it, they don’t.
Which of course has always been the problem. Still is.
There’s no such thing as a free lunch, Joe.
    Comox, British Columbia