Spotted on Social: Moshe Somers’ Activity List

Aliyah is a life changing event that affects everyone in the family. The way 8 year old Moshe Somers handled this change blew us away!

Spotted on Social: Moshe Somers’ Activity List (photo credit: NEFESH B'NEFESH)
Spotted on Social: Moshe Somers’ Activity List
(photo credit: NEFESH B'NEFESH)
 Aliyah is a life changing event that affects everyone in the family – and every person finds their own way to process the experience.
Moshe Somers is making Aliyah with his family this summer, and he’s understandably both excited and nervous. The precocious 8-year-old created a list of 20 things he plans on doing once he arrives in Israel, and his mother thought it was so cute she posted it to Facebook.
The items on the list are at once hilarious (#2), practical (#10), and moving (#16); but you’ll probably agree that #20 is one of the best ways to enhance your Aliyah experience.
20 Things I’m Going to Do When I Get to Israel:
1.Pick my bedroom.
2.Go to pet store and get pet.
3.Name pet.
4.Go to the Kotel.
5.Email friends.
6.Go through the house.
7.Play with pet.
8.Visit Shimmy.
9.Go to the underwater aquarium.
10.Take a nap if I didn’t sleep enough on the airplane.
11.Get tour of the neighborhood if possible.
12.Meet neighbors.
13.Go to the shuk.
14.Play on new trampoline.
15.Go to playground.
16.Break down crying my head off.
17.Watch Jamie Geller movies.
18.Try to make friends.
19.See if they have the book of Percy Jackson I’m up to in English.
20.Get a looooooooooooot of ice cream!