Houthi leader: Israel participating in the aggression against Yemen
In a speech he delivered in commemoration of the killing of the Houthi movement's founder, the movement's current leader said: "everything that is happening in our region serves the Zionists."
By MAAYAN GROISMANAbdul Malik al-Houthi, the leader of the Houthi movement(photo credit: ARAB MEDIA)
The leader of Ansar Allah, the Houthi rebel movement, accused Israel of taking part in the war in Yemen directly by fighting the war, and indirectly, by training and inspecting the Saudi forces fighting against the Houthi rebels.In a speech he delivered in commemoration of the twelfth anniversary of the killing of Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi, the founder of the Houthi movement, the movement's current leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi said: "It is well-known that everything that is happening in our region serves the interest of one party – the Zionists and the US.""The Zionist lobby is acting spitefully, planning a lot of schemes against our nation, arousing civil wars and creating crises," Houthi stated, asking: "Can we say that what is happening in the region and in Yemen serves the Palestinian interest?"According to the leader of the Iran-affiliated Houthi rebels, "The Zionist activity is focused on media and communications and on all means to design public opinion." He emphasized that the first weapon the nation needs is awareness.This is not the first time Abdul Malik al-Houthi has voiced anti-Israel allegations. In November 2015, he argued that Israel and the US stand behind the Saudi war on Yemen, and in December he claimed that Israel seeks to "enslave Muslims."Houthi's recent remarks were sounded in light of the imploding negotiations between the Saudi-led coalition and the Houthi rebels. After Houthi fighters seized a military base in the capital city of Sana'a on Sunday, the Yemeni government announced that it is suspending its participation in the peace talks which have been taking place in Kuwait.