Survey: 85% of Israeli Arabs fear rising levels of racism
78% are afraid to go to shopping malls and other entertainment venues.
By ARIEL BEN SOLOMONUpdated: MARCH 24, 2016 00:35‘RACISM IS not me,’ this image from the Bokra Facebook page promoting coexistence proclaims in Hebrew and Arabic.(photo credit: BOKRA.NET)
A poll conducted for the Learning to Live Together initiative has found high levels of fear of racism in the Arab sector.The survey found that 85 percent of Israeli Arabs feel the current situation would lead to more attacks and racism against Arabs. Another 78% are afraid to go to shopping malls and entertainment venues.The study is part of a project to improve coexistence between Arabs and Jews.“There is great anxiety about the future. It is a warning sign that emphasizes the importance in stopping racism and a return to a path of living together,” said Ghada Zoabi, the founder and CEO of the Israeli Arab news portal survey was carried out by the S-Com firm and included 611 interviews in order to chart the attitudes of the Arab public to the current security situation and the impact of violence.A slight majority of respondents (56%) expressed pessimism regarding an improvement of the situation in the near future. The data show a sharp increase in anxiety compared to previous polls.The living together initiative has operated among Israeli Arabs and has backing from many religious and municipal leaders.“The findings are a warning sign not only for Arab society, but for all citizens,” said Zoabi.“We call on the general public to act before it is too late,” she added.