'IDF training for possibility of an ISIS strike from Sinai or Golan Heights'
"It would be very hard to organize and carry out an attack on the scale of Paris, in Israel. Not impossible, but hard," former national security adviser says.
By MAARIV ONLINEIslamic State-affiliated Sinai Province fighters in the Sinai Peninsula(photo credit: WIKIMEDIA COMMONS/ARAB MEDIA)
Maj.-Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror, former national security adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, addressed concerns regarding the Islamic State threat on Israel in an interview with Israeli radio channel 103 FM on Monday."Let's break down the threat into three possible scenarios," said Amidror, "There's no need for hysteria," he said.He said that the description of an ISIS attack on Israel as imminent is exaggerated."Islamic State can strike Israel in one of three ways," Amidror said.The first would be through the establishment of an IS affiliated terror cell within the Arab Israeli community. "This cell would have access to enough weapons, intelligence, and explosive materials to carry out a Paris-style attack in Israel," Amidror said.The Shin Bet would be able to handle this threat, according to Amidror. "Up until now the Shin Bet's coverage of Arab Israelis has not been bad," he said. Only two of the assailants in the recent wave of terror that struck Israel were Arab-Israelis.This first possibility is not of utmost concern, Amidror said. "It would be very hard to organize and carry out an attack on the scale of Paris, in Israel. Not impossible, but hard."The second scenario in which an IS terror cell could strike Israel, the former security adviser said, is through the creation of cells among Palestinians in the West Bank or east Jerusalem. "It would be easier for them to organize in those communities," he said. "Those types of environments foster a less-tolerant view of Israel," he said. "That's where Hamas terror cells arose in the past, so we need to take into consideration the possibility that a similar IS terror cell could arise in the future."Amidror assured that the Shin Bet was properly monitoring this possible scenario as well.The third way that IS could exert its influence into Israel, according to Amidror, is through cross-country borders. "IS could come from across the border," he said. "The IDF drilled for this scenario recently."
Amidror said that IS is exerting influence in Egypt - training heavily in Sinai - and forming cells in the Golan Heights."There could always be a surprise cross-border attack, but the IDF is prepared for this possibility," Amidror assured.