Fainting Knightesses takes a playful and feminist look at the myth of Prince Charming.
By HELEN KAYETheater Review 88(photo credit: )
What woman hasn't dreamed of her own Prince Charming come to carry her off on his white horse? Fainting Knightesses, a new comedy written and acted by Nuli Omer, Kren Carmeli and Sigal Tzippori, takes a playful and feminist look at the myth. Just suppose Sleeping Beauty had woken up all by her lonesome, and not waited for true love's first kiss. And suppose you decide to live your life without a chap, let alone a knight, will society look at you askance? Edited and directed by Dorit Nitai Ne'eman, Fainting Knightesses (Abirot Mitalfot) plays at the Karov Theater on March 15 and 25. Tickets can be purchased from the box office.