Star Catcher: Astrology for the week of JULY 4, 2014
Tip for the week: Good week for finalizing plans, arranging a vacation or for turning a dream into a reality.
By MARALLYN BEN MOSHEcute girl with astrological sign 370(photo credit: screen shot)
Star Catcher Astrology for the week of JULY 4, 2014• By Marallyn Ben Moshe • • TIP FOR THE WEEK: Good week for finalizing plans, arranging a vacation or for turning a dream into a reality.LIBRA (AIR) SEPTEMBER 23-OCTOBER 23 You have been doing an unusual amount of travelling, mostly for business but also for pleasure, and this is the week for taking it easy. Time spent with loved ones is exactly what you need to relax and enjoy yourself.For far too long you have been concerned over money and finances, but all your hard work and the contacts you have established this year will not only ease the situation but soon you will be in a position to cover your expenses and put something aside.HINT: A conversation with a water sign will help you see things from a much different perspective.VIRGO (EARTH) AUGUST 23-SEPTEMBER 22 Lately you have been more open to the opinion of others rather than insisting that your way is the best - the result being that your relationship with a family member or two has vastly improved, leaving you not only feeling better but happy. During the course of this week you will be extremely busy taking care of business and personal matters, so pace yourself. Professionally you are now in a position to take a little time off for yourself and the rest will do you good. For far too long you have been pushing yourself and need the time to recharge.HINT: Unusual expenses over the weekend may put a dent in your wallet.LEO (FIRE) JULY 23-AUGUST 22 Friends and family take on more impetus right now as you are finally in a position where walking away from your desk is not a problem.These few days are just what you need in order to reestablish relationships as well as enjoy the emotional quiet space to work on a very special project that commands your total attention. Young members of your family would love to spend more time in your company, so set aside a few hours for some serious one-on-one bonding.HINT: You can’t be wonderful to everyone but you are certainly very special to those who matter.CANCER (WATER) JUNE 22-JULY 22 So much on your mind and so little time. Forget about trying to remember everything. Make notes and doublecheck everything.
Last minute changes are expected as you think of something else you wish to add to your list. Soon you will be spending some quality time with family and friends you haven’t seen in quite some time and the reunion will be better than you imagined! HINT: Money and financial matters have been a source of concern over the past couple of months, but all is in order and you can breathe a sigh of relief as all your hard work and planning pay off.AQUARIUS (AIR) JANUARY 20-FEBRUARY 18 For months you have been working overtime and the time has come for you to walk away, lock the door and take a little vacation.You have earned it! Surrounded by good, close friends both old and new, you have expanded your circle of people you can rely on, trust and relax with. Dinner at your place is always an event, so call a few friends over this weekend.HINT: You have many ideas and plans for your future which, for the time being, you are contemplating.In the months to come you will have the information you need in order to make a decision.CAPRICORN (EARTH) DECEMBER 22-JANUARY 19 Finally you have a little more time for yourself, so relax and enjoy knowing that you have done a fabulous job this year and have touched more people than you can imagine. In the weeks to come you will have the time you need to recharge, relax, reorganize and recuperate.Money and financial matters no longer are the problem they were and you can afford to splurge a bit and enjoy a little retail therapy.HINT: When talking to a water sign, try to remember just how sensitive this person is and how much your opinion means to them.SAGITTARIUS (FIRE) NOVEMBER 22-DECEMBER 21 Your generosity of spirit, kindness and sense of fair play have made you popular professionally and loved personally.This is the week to turn some of that largess inward and to do something special for yourself. You have the time and you have the money, so splurge for once.Your relationship with your partner and/or mate is always strong and time spent in each other’s company is interesting and fun.HINT: A conversation with an older member of your family will give you food for thought, so make arrangements to spend a couple of hours together.SCORPIO (WATER) OCTOBER 24-NOVEMBER 21 When in doubt, trust your instincts and you won’t go wrong. There is someone who would love to work closely with you or even form a partnership. Over the course of the next few weeks you will have a much better picture of the situation and that is when you should decide. In the meantime listen carefully and say little. Problems from the past are fading quickly and you don’t have to dwell on them anymore.The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter, so turn your attention to tomorrow.HINT: Delays expected, so plan accordingly and give yourself some room to maneuver.GEMINI (AIR) MAY 21-JUNE 21 Confusion and lack of communication between yourself and those closest to you are beginning to ease up and now is the perfect time for mending fences and easing tension between yourself and a friend or co-worker. You may not be able to take back something you said, but you can admit that you are sorry. When traveling close to home this week pay attention and give yourself the time you need to arrive at your destination without rushing.HINT: You may not have the funds you need to buy something outrageously expensive, but you do have the money to purchase something you really want.TAURUS (EARTH) APRIL 20-MAY 20 You may feel the need to be surrounded by familiar objects and close friends and what better way to enjoy both than by hosting a party? Besides, you could use the break from all the hard work you have been putting in lately. Professionally you continue to grow and the experience you have accrued this year has been priceless. But now it is time to relax and socialize. Projects you have on your mind may have been delayed, but the time was not wasted. Trust yourself! HINT: Change of pace and change of scenery will go far to lighten your mood.ARIES (FIRE) MARCH 21-APRIL 19 You have no idea how many people rely on you and trust your judgment. Although you don’t always have the patience you need, you do, however, take an immense amount of time double-checking your facts and figures before voicing your opinion. This may not sit well with everyone, but you are true to yourself and sleep well at night.HINT: Take a little time this week to do something special for your partner and/or mate. This person has stood steadfastly by your side and is enormously proud of all you have accomplished.PISCES (WATER) FEBRUARY 19-MARCH 20 Between your responsibilities at work and your obligations at home you have had very little time left over for yourself. This week that is about to change as finally you have come to the end of one special project and have a breather before beginning a new one. Financial matters are always on your mind as you juggle payments and still try to put a little aside. Few have been able to accomplish what you have managed over the past year, so relax and be proud of yourself.HINT: The people you come into contact with over the next few weeks will warm your heart.