A celebration of women’s creativity, the Holon Women’s Festival, now in its 14th year, is more diverse than ever.
A celebration of women’s creativity, the Holon Women’s Festival, now in its 14th year, is more diverse than ever. Under the artistic direction of Daniela Michaeli, the festival is presenting a slew of live performances, premieres of new works, honorary tributes and exhibitions, while offering a stage for musicians, playwrights and visual artists, and a platform for discussions.Among the highlights:• In a reunion with the Gan Eden band featuring Alona Daniel, Corinne Allal will perform songs from her debut album Motek, which many consider to be a groundbreaking moment for Israeli rock created by women.• A one-time grouping of Efrat Gosh, Ninet Tayeb, Yael Deckelbaum, Rona Kenan, Mika Sadeh and Gal de Paz, backed by Funknstein, will honor the 50th anniversary of Motown with a tribute to soul entitled “My Girl.”• A tribute to theater director and Teacher Nola Chelton will featurecolleagues and students Gila Almagor, Oded Kotler, Liora Rivlin,Yehoshua Sobol, and Moni Moshonov, among others.• Dvora Bartonov, dancer and Israel Prize winner, will be honored onher 95th birthday with a photography exhibit from different periods inher life. The exhibit will also feature a short video by MichalBat-Adam.• You are to Yourself, a playdirected by Yoram Falk and based on the book by Shlomit Valfish looksat women and the stories of their divorce process. The play will beperformed by Gesher actors Natasha Manor, Svetlana Demidov and MichalWeinberg, and will be followed by a discussion with the author.All events take place at the HolonTheatre, Rehov Kugel 11, (03) 502-3001/2/3. Information on show timesand ticket prices can be found at http://www.hth.co.il.