The budget for 2006 is NIS 15m. of which the lion's share, NIS 6.3m., will go to fund interdisciplinary arts projects.
The Israel State Lottery (Mifal Hapayis) Arts Council has issued its annual report for 2005. The council provides support and funding for the performing, plastic and written arts.
Every year it receives thousands of requests from individuals and bodies but can sponsor only about 40% of them. In 2005 the council spent NIS 12 million on some 19 different projects. These include ongoing support for such as promotion of the Israel film industry here and abroad (NIS 180,000 & NIS 220,000 respectively) and community TV (NIS 102,000).
Special projects included performances by the Israel Philharmonic, the Batsheva Ensemble at free outdoor venues, and an Israeli Song Festival on Channel 2 (NIS 750,000). Support for the whole of the Arab sector amounted to only NIS 347,000.
The budget for 2006 is NIS 15 million of which the lion's share, NIS 6.3m., will go to fund interdisciplinary arts projects. Film and TV will get about NIS 2m. with a like amount going to the visual arts. Poetry and literature will receive NIS1.5 m., with the rest going to special and ongoing projects such as a book commemorating the centenary of the Bezalel Art School and IDF cultural programming.