Starcatcher: Astrology for the week of July 22, 2011
Tip for the week: Great week for spreading your wings and reaching for the start. You know what you want-go for it!
By MARALLYN BEN MOSHEastrology(photo credit: yael yitzchaki)
GEMINI (AIR) MAY 21 – JUNE 21 You have so much energy these days and if you focus and funnel it correctly will be able to clear your desk and get ready for the next project. A conversation with a sibling will be heated and anything but boring.Don’t waste your time on regrets, rather see the glass half full and move forward. HINT: Money and finances are always a concern, but this week you have things under control.GEMINI (AIR) MAY 21 – JUNE 21 You have so much energy these days and if you focus and funnel it correctly will be able to clear your desk and get ready for the next project. A conversation with a sibling will be heated and anything but boring.Don’t waste your time on regrets, rather see the glass half full and move forward. HINT: Money and finances are always a concern, but this week you have things under control.SAGITTARIUS (FIRE) NOVEMBER 22 – DECEMBER 21 Old friends are the best and even though they sometimes get on your nerves, you are always ready to reach out and lend a helping hand.When speaking to a female person of authority take your time and pay very close attention. You won’t be sorry. Be patient with a partner and/or mate. They have their own issues right now and may not be as patient as you would like. HINT: Sunday and Monday are perfect days for getting things accomplished.PISCES (WATER) FEBRUARY 19 – MARCH 20 You are a good and true friend and are always willing to reach out and lend a helping hand. This week you will be amazed at just how many people appreciate your caring. Family and friends will be keeping you busy with invitations and surprise visits. When speaking to a fire sign, pay close attention as this person has some excellent ideas. HINT: Try to balance your days so that you get enough rest.Overstimulation may keep you awake at nights.CANCER (WATER) JUNE 22 – JULY 22 You are at peace with yourself and your surroundings this week and people who come into contact with you are warm, loving and caring. It has been a very long time since you sat back and simply relaxed. Enjoy yourself—you’ve earned every second. Money and finances need to be addressed and if you are careful you will have more than enough to cover your expenses and needs. HINT: This weekend you will be surrounded by people you especially love.LIBRA (AIR) SEPTEMBER 23 – OCTOBER 23 Things are beginning to ease up financially, but you still have to pay close attention to your finances. A conversation with a water sign will help you to get a better picture of things as this person has some of the answers you have been looking for. Your partner and/or mate doesn’t always understand you but this is not the week for a serious heart-to-heart. HINT: Professionally, you are enjoying your work as you come into contact with more and more interesting people.
CAPRICORN (EARTH) DECEMBER 22 – JANUARY 19 You are so creative and this is a perfect time for you to begin working on a project that demands intelligence, innovation and a sense of humor. You will enjoy the time you spend planning and organizing your thoughts. Your relationship with a Cancer is better than ever as both of you share the same ideals and goals. HINT: Try to put some time aside over the weekend to rest and recharge your batteries.ARIES (FIRE) MARCH 21 – APRIL 19 Your career and good name are always important to you and this week you will be meeting some important people who will have a positive influence on your career in the months to come. When dealing with family members, try to avoid a conflict wherever possible. There is nothing to be gained by an argument now. People living far away are thinking of you and soon you will be making arrangements to meet. HINT: Watch your spending over the weekend.LEO (FIRE) JULY 23 – AUGUST 22 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! So much on your mind these days as you spend more and more time with family and friends engaged in deep conversations. You have the chance this week to do something extraordinarily nice for someone you care about. As you look back, you will be thrilled to see the glass is more than half full. HINT: Pay close attention to details when speaking with a professional person as they will be giving you hints you cannot ignore.SCORPIO (WATER) OCTOBER 24 – NOVEMBER 21 This week finds you involved in many meetings, both socially as well as professionally. You have so much to offer and may be called upon to answer some intricate and difficult questions.Do your homework carefully.Your relationship with a sibling is stronger than ever and this is the time for you to free up some time from your busy schedule in order to be together. HINT: Money and finances continue to be on your mind.AQUARIUS (AIR) JANUARY 20 – FEBRUARY 18 After months of hard work, you are finally free to spread your wings and do some things which bring you personal pleasure. This also includes travelling and visiting both old friends and new places. The time you spend with a fire sign will probably be taxing as this person is a little too energetic for your taste right now. HINT: Money and finance are not a problem, but will be soon if you don’t begin to budget your spending.TAURUS (EARTH) APRIL 20-MAY 20 Things are definitely looking up and after all your hard work you can finally sit back and reflect on a job well done.Sudden changes and mix-ups in appointments are expected, so check your schedule and double check your times. When driving near home, take your time and pay attention on the road…better to be safe than sorry. HINT: Think twice before lending money to a friend.