Why does Israel continue membership in that hot-bed of anti-Israel/pro-Arab terrorism? I find it incomprehensible. They will not change, no matter who is our ambassador to the UN, nor how well-written and incredibly delivered our speeches there.And for the umpteenth time, Bibi has capitulated to American demands and will not approve more Jewish building in Judea and Samaria. Building a bus terminal in Sha'ar BinyaminPhoto: Batya MedadNew homes being builtin ArielPhoto: Batya MedadBan said he did not believe that the demolition of homes belonging to Palestinian terrorists or the construction of new Israeli settlements "will do anything other than inflame tensions still further."Ban acknowledged the death of four Palestinians, referring to a 13-year-old boy whom the IDF said was accidentally killed by misfire and three terrorists who were killed by security forces following attacks that killed four Israelis. (Jerusalem Post)
This makes no sense to me, because de facto by not building Israel is delegitimatizing its sovereignty and rights in the Land of Israel, even in parts of it that Israel considers as "consensus" that will "remain Israeli," sic.I find it so incomprehensible that while Israel is such a strong, successful advanced country, with a vibrant and healthy economy and advanced and affordable medical care, our politicians fearfully kowtow to our enemies, those who would rather see an Arab terror state aka Palestine here instead of the State of Israel.According to senior-level Israeli officials, the US Administration passed on a threatening message to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, according to which if Israel were to approve an expansion of settlement construction in the West Bank, the US would not veto a UN Security Council proposal that deems Israeli settlements are illegal. (JerusalemOnline)