On violence

In the Shiloh bloc area for the past four years, Arabs from Qusra have been attacking Jewish farmers, destroying agricultural equipment and burning crops.  Lands defined as ''state lands'', that is, no ownership can be proved, have been developed by Jewish revenants in Keida, Esh-Kodesh and Alei-Ayin where there was no planting or harvesting before.  Arabs in the area have taken to violence to expel the Jews and their work.  Of course, B''tselem is being ''helpful'' - to the Arabs but see how Arabs attack Jews with stones.
The PA also makes prepostrous claims of huge number of olive trees being cut down or burned.  The numbers they bandy about, on an annual basis, reach huge figures.
The press seems excited about Jews attacking Arabs (or is it responding in a defensive manner?) but accepts Arabs attacks as normal.  Yes, there are incidents of defacing and torching mosques.  And now, an Arab cemetery in Jaffa has been defaced.  This has been followed by a synagogue in Jaffa being attacked with a Molotov cocktail.  Previously, as in 2007, Arabs attacked Jews (and we''ll ignore 1921).
A terrorist act which resulted in the death of two, a father and his year-old son was played down by the IDF spokesman''s office, suggestimng it was a traffic accident due to speeding by the driver - who was actually murdered.
And the meida played along.  In fact, where in the past journaslists have complained that they are being ''used'' by the IDF Spokesman, in the Plamer case they just allowed themselves to be floormats.
But did you know that a Jewish cemetery is desecrated and has been for years.  In fact, many tombstones have been smashed there and the site is strewn with litter and tethered donkeys defecate on top of graves. No, not Jaffa.  Jerusalem''s Mount of Olives:

At a recent visit to the cemetery, Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, said he''s heard from hundreds of families in the U.S. who can''t visit buried relatives without protection from armed guards. "If you hear the families, the pain and the fact that they''re afraid to come here, what does it say?" Hoenlein asked. "In Jerusalem, Jews can''t go and visit an ancient burial site that is supposedly sacred?"

In fact, that cemetery was desecrated even before the "occupation".  Here''s from before 1967.

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Other recent incidents inlcude twenty-three tombstones were desecrated at Jerusalem''s Mount of Olives last December.  In June 2011, more than a dozen graves were vandalized there.

All unlawful violence, without any ifs, ands or buts is to be condemned and fought against.
But if the press wants to report on these instances, let''s be ethical and fair: all acts must be reported and given equal coverage.  Otherwise, the press is simply contributing to the violence.

And I hope the Jaffa cemetery incident will be treated better than the Jewish cemetery and the Palmers have been treated.