What does the future bring following Schalit's release?

The campaign for the release of Gilad Schalit is over.
This now leaves us with this reality, for the future:
- one freed Gilad Schalit.
- 1027 freed terrorists...
- ...and over the past four years, another 1223 freed terrorists; altogether 2250.
- promises by Arab terrorists to continue kidnappings.
- no lessening of anti-Israel propaganda by either Hamas or Fatah.
- no signficant weakening of Hamas, rather emboldening.
- weakening, however, of Israel''s and Israelis'' security.

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- weakening of Abbas as head of PA.
- strengthening of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (where they are linking up with Hamas)
- ramifications of the amazing inability of GSS/IDF to locate him or free him over 5 years.
- lessening of Bibi''s posture as "terror expert".
- unease of Americans who looked to Israel to be a beacon of "stand firm against terror".
- 1 American/Israeli, Ilan Grapel, still left in Egypt
- 1 Israel''s spy left in America - Jay Pollard.
- Jews seeking revenge.
- human rights groups can''t be trusted.
- weird anti-Zionists unsatisfied.
- encourages anti-Israel sentiment in the US.
Do you feel happy or...uncomfortable?  Fearful?  Unsure of the future?
And yes, I have read this by Elliott Abrams:
But those who think the determination to free Gilad Shalit wrong have at least as heavy a burden—and in humanitarian terms a greater one—to bear than those who believe Israel''s government made the right decision.
Nevertheless, I think I am pointing to a major problem.
Consider also these two polls.