If we are not for ourselves, who will be for us? If not now, when?

Hillel says: "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?" Ethics of the Fathers, 1:14
It is time to raise our voice against those who spread shameful propaganda against the state of Israel.
It is time to stand up and say that BDS is pure evil, miserable propaganda which will never give any contribution to peace.
In other words, Israel is the land of prosperity and innovation; it is tiny state which wants to share its contribution to the world.
Provided that facts, I wonder why media do not point out positive aspects of Israel?
Furthermore, people are not properly informed about Israel because there is not an objective evaluation of Israel.
Why don’t we talk about similarities?
Besides, why BDS propaganda is trying to destroy every slight step which may lead to peace?
The fact of the matter is that they don`t care about peace, they only want a destruction of Israel.
We want to talk, to corporate; hence, propaganda which main goal is to demonize the state of Israel does not allow any act of progressive contribution.
Additionally, it is time to stand up and talk about Anti- Semitism, about Jewish students who are discriminated just because they are Jews.
It is time to stand up and talk about terrorism.
It is time to stand up and talk about Israeli soldiers who are not war criminals but heroes who protect innocent people.
Nevertheless, more than four years, IDF soldiers provide medical care to wounded Syrians.
Another key point, IDF`s ethical code is to help injured people regardless of nationality.
I would like to emphasize that Israel has nothing to be ashamed on; moreover Israel should be proud on its ethical code.
Accordingly, I am proud of having an opportunity to write down these facts and I do not care what haters are going to say about this.
Thereupon, being silent is a crime, henceforth, be brave and talk about the facts.
Don't be afraid to stand up for the truth, even if that means you will be standing alone!
If we are not for ourselves, who will be for us? If not now, when?