The steady criminal, immoral and unethical acts and behaviors by governments and people groups is escalating around the world. In the last hundred years, we have seen not one but two world wars. The Second World War was ended paradoxically using atomic bombs to finally put to an end to the relentless attacks of a government hell-bent on death and destruction. It was hoped that the world would never again experience such violence and so the League of Nations, which later became the United Nations, was formed to help keep peace in the world but the goal is allusive as “nation rises against nation.”Today the whole of the Middle East is on fire and is antagonistic toward Israel and the Jews. When countries and factions, which largely embrace the same Islamic ideology, join together for the same anti-Semitic reasons, bullying tactics are the result and ration and reason are bypassed. This has been particularly evident at the United Nations.Today, immoral, criminal behavior has become the norm for those with the word “anti” in their philosophy and the ones who are innocent are put on the defensive. Whether they like it or not, the people put on the defensive must enter a war not of their own making or choosing. The Israel Defense Force which is commonly known as the IDF, is a prime example. This army is the most moral army in the world. Their missions are defensive in nature and they do their best to protect civilians with “surgical” strikes and “roof-knocking” techniques which serve as a warning that rockets will soon follow.Bully and other aggressive behavior by entities with similar ideologies shows up in ways either aside from, or in tandem with, physical war tactics. A current example starts with the United Nations whose existence is to promote and preserve world peace yet UN members are constantly making false accusations against Israel and changing historical facts in favor of fabricated narratives put forth by those calling themselves Palestinians. As such, the UN’s credibility and legitimacy in the world is diminishing in the eyes of those paying attention. Bullies and promoters of audacious charges and resolutions against Israel and those who want to hold Israel to a different and higher standard than any other country in the world should be shown the UN exit door. A case in point is the recent United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) “Agenda Item 7” which requires that so-called Israeli human rights violations against Palestinians be discussed at each of the UNHRC’s sessions. This is a purely anti-Israel agenda as no other country in the world is singled out in this way. Thankfully, Western democracies are finally taking notice of the blatant Israel bashing which has become part of the culture at the United Nations. Recently during the 35th session of the UNHRC’s triannual meeting, every Western nation boycotted Item 7 by not showing up. Those countries which did participate did so with their usual anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian fervor.The UN would better serve the world’s truly innocent and helpless victims by rising against the criminal, immoral and horrific use of chemical and other weapons which has been unleashed by the government of Bashar al-Assad on the men, women and children of Syria. Syrians are suffering greatly and yet there is little UN condemnation against the Assad regime but rather only an expressed hope “for a de-escalation” of the situation as recently stated by U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres.Assad has never admitted his culpability for the chemical weapons attacks against his own countrymen. Fingers of blame have been pointed at the insurgents and others but the fact is the Syrian government is the only player with the motive and ability to have carried it out. Indeed, some countries are mimicking the United Nations audacity by declaring foolishly that there is no proof of the Syrian government being behind the attacks. To date, there is no one strong enough or moral enough to stand up and publicly point the finger at the offender who is hiding behind Russia … and Iran.So the guilty party gets away because the spineless organization of nations would rather spend time and resources condemning Israel for baseless and fabricated accusations of crimes against the Palestinians rather than putting an end to the conflict raging in Syria causing immense suffering to innocent civilians. For this the U.N. should hold themselves accountable for crimes against humanity for not punishing the offender to the fullest extent of international law. Genocide is a reality in the Middle East and what is happening in Syria cannot be ignored by the civilized world.If Assad remains in power, what will be next? Will the use of a nuclear bomb be the next chemical bomb and with Assad so closely aligned with Iran and Russia, will it drop on the innocent people of Syria or the innocent people of Israel? Assad, enough is enough.