Christian Apathy Contributes to Terrorism and Anti-Semitism.

Where are all of the Christians who should be standing for right and against wrong? Where are all of the Christians who should be standing for Israel? G-d Himself in Genesis 12:3 said, “I will bless those who bless you (Israel) and the one who curses you (does not stand) I will curse.”
A basic premise of Christian faith and roots has everything to do with Israel. To ignore Israel is to shun G-d’s word of an eternal covenant with His Chosen People, the Jews, and an eternal covenant cannot be broken. Our silence in our own countries also affects Israel, its land and people. It is imperative that Christians all over the world stand and contend for Israel.
By remaining silent or neutral, Christians are enabling evil everywhere to flourish. Being apathetic is yielding to the preponderance and brutal degree of inhumane suffering caused by those who live outside the Judeo-Christian ethic.
The tenets of good and evil based on Judeo-Christian principles have been our standard, even mainstay, for two thousand years and they have served humanity well so why change them? It would be better to perfect the world based on G-d’s principles than to change them based on the world’s persistence on mixing up right and wrong. Evil and wickedness are the result and terror, it seems, is the means in this postmodern world.
It was during the Holocaust that a Christian minister in Germany observed the changing mindset of the people and the Nazi slaughter of the Jews. He is quoted as saying “silence in the face of evil is itself evil. G-d will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” These are sobering words that loudly ring of truth today.
In this time of resurgent violence against Israeli Jews that is by now recognizably cyclic in intensity but always simmering historically, we Christians absolutely must defend our brothers and sisters in Israel. While some have been active for quite a long time, others who should be active are sadly remaining silent and on the sidelines.
The call to stand up for Israel is true also for Jews in order that they do not have their religion and rights undermined by legal means, media opposition or other hostile opposition. As far as media opposition, the Jews of Israel have a lot to lose if a particular Israeli English speaking leftist paper were to have its way. We already see what hostile opposition looks like. There is currently an apparent legal opposition to Jewish history and sacred sites now by the UN with UNESCO’s declaration of Rachel’s Tomb and the Cave of the Patriarchs as being Muslim.
We have a biased international body with certain legal abilities to change history and likely alter visitation rights to holy sites sacred to both Christians and Jews. The modern rewriting of the history of the Temple Mount by Muslims is well known. Injustice to Jewish history must be opposed on all fronts.
It is essential for Christians and Jews to work together. We must take our Judeo-Christian principles to the courts in each of our countries, to the world courts and to university campuses. We must teach and uphold our G-d given Judeo-Christian principles and make certain the facts on the ground are accurately taught (and reported) to be sure students are receiving accurate information in their quest for a balanced education.
It will take every ounce of our strength here in America to keep our government aligned in allegiance to the G-d given land of Israel and to the Jewish nation of Israel. What G-d provides, no man has a right to discard or destroy. The commandments and covenants of G-d are forever and when He says they are eternal that is exactly what He means … forever. Standing for Israel is the same as standing for G-d and vice-versa.
It is only in democratic, freedom loving societies mostly in the U.S., Europe and Israel that Christians really are able to take a stand for the faith without punitive retribution. For the moment this is true but the future is uncertain if we remain silent and allow evil to gain ground and triumph.
Let us remember the haunting words of Martin Niemoller (1892-1984), a prominent Protestant pastor who said, “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me.”