Cunningly, Christ Being Used to Thwart Support for Israel.

This article is sure to push the hot button of many, even my Christian brothers and sisters who have, despite facts, made up their minds that Israel is the aggressor and guilty of oppressing the poor Palestinians along with other non-Jews.  Because many have been duped and brainwashed into believing this absolute lie, anti-Semitism is alive and spreading throughout the world.  If there is anyone out there who does not know what it is, it is the hatred of the Jews and is diametrically opposite of our Christian belief.  To the modern mind, the phrase “anti-Semitism” generally conjures up images of goose-stepping Nazis, Germany and the Holocaust.   These very caricatures are what cause many today to miss the new and subtle anti-Semitism message catching hold everywhere at an alarming rate of speed.


When otherwise decent westerners, particularly church-going Christians, equate the phrase “anti-Semitism” with Nazis, Germany and the Holocaust only, we fail to recognize and accept our own guilt thus making us blind to the rising tide of anti-Semitism that has been slowly flooding our local churches, communities, families and even our own hearts and minds.  
Anti-Semitism is an ancient evil that can be found in writings as far back as 270 B. C. and its basis is in religion.  Modern anti-Semitism stems from a concern for social or moral justice, but does not exclude the religious element.
In truth, most Christians did not participate in the pograms (massacres) of the past that caused the slaughter of countless Jews.   It was only a handful that actually participated, but this is fact:  a huge portion of society became convinced of the validity of the pograms and of Jewish guilt; these pograms were allowed to take place because the vast majority remained silent.   
The new face of anti-Semitism in today’s world and today’s Church must be recognized.  The Muslim Brotherhood has been working patiently and quietly under the radar screen for years.  They have been infiltrating and embedding themselves into positions of influence in countries throughout the Middle East, Europe and, yes, even America.  So too, are they and other nefarious groups, working under the guise of the Christian faith, to influence the Christian Church in America and around the world to adopt a pro-Palestinian stance.  This Palestinian stance, of course, translates into anti-Israel bias.  They are targeting other arenas, such as the universities, but we as Christians are a huge target because American Christians have historically been pro-Israel.  Anti-Israel groups are subtle, sly operators and very patient.  Also there is a general ignorance of history on the part of the American public combined with their failure to recognize when they are being manipulated.  These groups often work through those who claim to be Arab Christians who have obtained places on the speaking circuit addressing church congregations and university students across America. Beware of these wolves in sheep’s clothing – as warned in God’s Holy Word – who will deceive even the elect.  They begin by talking about how we should love one another, followed by a subtle shift in the monologue.  Without a discernable transition, the talk becomes about how the poor Palestinians are suffering in refugee camps and how it is all because of Israel.  The thought of this injustice fills the audience with righteous indignation.  The speakers omit the fact that Palestinians are being used as spawns by Arab nations.  They are keeping them in squalor as refugees and this serves to keep the Palestinians stirred up so as to keep pressure on Israel.  The people then sympathize with the Palestinians and hate Israel and the Jews.  While these people claim to be Christians, the truth is their nationalism has been placed above their love for Christ.  Am I guilty of Judging?  No, I am just a simple fruit inspector and the Lord says we will know our Christian brothers and sisters by their fruit.
Many devout Christians visit Israel and the Palestinian territories on a regular basis.  They care deeply about the world we live in and have a genuine desire to make a positive contribution to the Arab-Israeli conflict.  Innocent, people-loving tourists believe all tour guides are created equal, that they provide their services without personal, social or political agendas and that they will provide just the history and the facts.  These tour groups often innocently hire tour-guide services (licensed by the State of Israel) that indeed have an agenda to slant participants against Israel and in favor of the Palestinians.  Unless tour participants have their antennas tuned to be on guard against all forms of subtle manipulation, they will be duped.  After all the guide is licensed by the State of Israel so what they say about Israel must be the truth.
It is important to know that not all Arab Christians are cut from the anti-Israel/anti-Jewish cloth.  Many, many Arab Christians know and understand the Bible and the significance of Israel and the Jews.  Yes, they, too, suffer severe persecution for their faith, even to the point of death.  They suffer discrimination, harassment, loss of income, physical assaults and death.  Yet they have remained faithful.  This persecution was not at the hands of Israel or the Jewish people.  The perpetrators were Arab Palestinians, their own people.
Many today are being taught “Replacement Theology” which has pulled the wool over the eyes of many.  This theology teaches that where the Bible talks about Israel and the Jews, it is today referring to Christians and the church.  It also teaches that God is through with the Jews.  They are no longer His chosen people. ”After all,” some say, “Didn’t the Jews kill Jesus?”  The answer to that question is, “NO!”  The Bible, in the New Testament, clearly teaches that Jesus suffered on the cross to pay the price for the sins of all mankind.  In the New Testament in the Book of Romans the Bible emphatically teaches that Christians are only branches grafted onto the natural olive tree (the Jews) and that we (Christians) should be careful never to think ourselves “as supporting the root” but rather to be mindful that it is the root (the Jews) which supports us.  Remember we Christians worship a Jewish Messiah.
Be vigilant my brothers and sisters.  Recognize what is happening right before our eyes.  In a famous quote attributed to George Santayana he said, “Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.”  God promised He will bless those who bless Israel.  We must not be ignorant of foundational Truth and we must possess knowledge of history, otherwise the doors are wide open for the enemy to manipulate the hearts, minds, souls and spirits of all—especially those who claim the name of Christ.  The Bible clearly states that the Jews are God’s chosen people and Israel is His special land.  It is the only land in the world whose surveyor was God Himself.  The Bible warns us about touching the ’apple of His eye’ and we must not take this lightly.

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