Yesterday I went to a breakfast at the Inbal Jerusalem Hotel - check out their facebook page for pics Jeff Pulver along with over 100 other social media geeks- oops I mean, professionals. Jeff is one of the leading social media voices who started the 140conference- a twitter conference exploring the brave new world of abbreviated communications. (140 is a reference to the number of characters allowed in a tweet)He comes to Israel often and is as engaging and friendly in person as he is online. His message in general is about "exploring the state of now." But he had an interesting message to everyone there - the term Social Media will soon no longer be cool. When trends come and go so fast that they can literally whip through the internet and burn out within days, his message resonates.Could the term "social media" be played out? I am not sure. And if we were to use a different term what would it be?What makes media "social" is our ability to interact - what make facebook or twitter different from old forms of media is the relationship that people have with their media. I don''t think people will ever go back to the top down journalism. Engaging and being a part of the conversation is just too much fun. Watch this video to hear it in his words...