....against Naysayers, Contrarians, Parade Rainers, and the like....
for they will SURELY bring you to a low and haphazard field of energy...
Mind you, it''s NOT their words which are so potentially detrimental....
it is their very ''STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS'' one should run from...
How does one determine being in the presence of an "ENERGY VAMPIRE", you ask ?
Here are some tips on how to spot a blood sucking, dark entity....
1) In ALL the time you''ve been aquainted with them, they have NEVER paid you an ernest compliment...
They will appear disconcerted, uncomfortable,
when you''ve accomplished something, done them a kindness, etc...
You ALL know EXACTLY what I''m refering to!
2) In your time of NEED, this sneaky creature will be "NOWHERE IN SIGHT"....
impossible to reach by phone, text, email, etc...(when they USUALLY answer immediately!)
3) On the FLIP side of this coin, AFTER all is said and done, they will be the FIRST ones to come
and gloat and say, "I told you so!"...or "I''m concerned.."
4) The ENERGY VAMPIRE will seem charismatic and loving at times....
but CAUSTIC and BLOOD THIRSTY at other times...
(leaving you somewhat DEFLATED)...
and finally.....
5) You will ALWAYS feel somewhat ''ill at ease'' in their presence, regardless of how close the
relationship APPEARS to be....
Why ? Because, my friends,
your HIGHER SELF KNOWS how to distinguish GOOD from BAD....
Just listen to that inner voice....
and be on guard....
Tomorrow, I will list ways to PROTECT yourself in the presence of the ENERGY VAMPIRE...