My Dad, (Zichrono Livracha), used to say....
"You know, Tobala, you can pick an apple from the orchard...And it can be the most beautiful, shiny, red apple that you''ve ever seen...But when you take a bite out of it...It is ROTTEN to the core..."I think that this metaphor holds true for people as well...They can be BEAUTIFUL and SHINY on the outside...and really pretty DISGUSTING on the inside...
So...How do we KNOW beforehand ?How can we PRECLUDE ourselves from falling for the RED, JUICY exterior ?? The answer is really very simple, my friends....ALWAYS.....BUT ALWAYS....go with your FIRST INSTINCT.... That REAL, TRUE, first impression...the one buried just BENEATH the impression that you WANT to have...It will guide you precisely and accordingly to TRUTH every time....