On mothers...

When you''re little...
They DRESS you...
and FEED you...
and READ to you...
and TUCK you in at night...
When you''re a bit bigger...
They COMFORT you...
and PREPARE you...
and COACH you...
and ENCOURAGE you...

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When you''re a teenager...
They get ANNOYED at you...
and NAG you...
and tell you to CLEAN UP your room...
and FORCE you to do homework…
and ENTERTAIN your friends...
and WORRY about you...
When you become an adult...
They WALK you down the aisle...
and they CRY over days past...
and they BRAG about you...
and they HOPE and WISH for you...
And when YOU become a MOTHER...
They ADMIRE you...
and HELP you...
and BABYSIT for you...
and the LOVE that they feel for you is SHOWN in the way that they treat your child...
And then when MOTHER grows old....
You NURTURE and FEED and DRESS her...
and WORRY about her...
and the world continues to SPIN o its AXIS...
What would YOU be without your MOTHER?
WHERE would YOU be?
Who would YOU CRY to?
Who would YOU BLAME everything on?
In honor of MY MOTHER...
with Great Love...