Steinitz, Netanyahu postpone vote on gas compromise outline

National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Minister Yuval Steinitz, in consultation with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, decided late night on Tuesday to postpone vote on the controversial natural gas compromise outline slated to take place on Wednesday.
"In accordance with the advice of Deputy Attorney General Avi Licht, due to the short time frame remaining for preparing the final outline for government approval, including rushing a special cabinet meeting on Wednesday morning, I decided in consultation with the prime minister to postpone the approval of the outline in the government and the Knesset, in order to allowed a regulated discussion and government approval," Steinitz said.
Votes on the outline in both the cabinet, and afterwards in the Knesset plenary, were expected to take place on Wednesday, prior to the legislature’s summer recess. The gas compromise outline in question is the result of more than half a year of negotiations aimed at settling disputes that have largely frozen the country’s gas sector.