Seven Israeli start-ups will have the opportunity to give their pitch before a high-end local panel of venture capital funds, entrepreneurs and institutional representatives.
By ARIEL SHAPIRATHE TEL AVIV skyline(photo credit: REUTERS)MediSafe – never forget to take your medicine again MediSafe, a management app that helps people remember to take their medications on time, will be showcased at the IATI (Israel Advanced Technology Industries) Biomed Conference May 12-14 at the Tel Aviv Fairgrounds.This innovative technology alerts family, friends and caregivers if patients miss a dose, making it easier to offer the needed support to loved ones.MediSafe, which has already been downloaded by 1.7 million cellphone users, will be launching its forthcoming app for Apple Watch. It is one of the first apps available on Apple’s new smartwatch. As a result, users will be able to manage their medications straight from their wrist.Some of the new features MediSafe offers on its Apple Watch version are Force Touch, which allows users to respond quickly, mark medications as “taken” and respond to updates and notifications; and Glance, which allows users to easily view medication dosages and scheduled reminders.“Medisafe’s Apple Watch app brings patients even closer to their medication and makes them increasingly accountable for their health.We’ve said many times we will be on the front end of the innovation curve when it supports and enhances our patient-centric approach to solving non-adherence,” said Omri Shor, Medisafe CEO. “Apple Watch not only makes it even easier for our users to stay on top of their medications, but also promises a more complete picture of a patient’s health. The Medisafe app supports HealthKit, so any data captured through Apple Watch’s sensors and workout and activity apps will be available to Medisafe users so they can track important health and fitness data alongside their adherence.”33ENTREPRENEURS comes to Israel 33ENTREPRENEURS is a group of entrepreneurs based in Bordeaux, France, which is dedicated to wine, food and tourism startups.It has organized more than 20 start-up contests all over Europe to discover the most talented start-up teams in an effort to accelerate growth.
On May 20 at 7 p.m., 33ENTREPRENEURS will hold a start-up contest at the PICO (People – Ideas – Community – Opportunities) workspace in Jerusalem.Seven Israeli start-ups will have the opportunity to give their pitch before a high-end local panel of venture capital funds, entrepreneurs and institutional representatives. Each start-up will have 10 minutes to promote its project, and have the opportunity to discuss with panel members: Made in JLM’s CEO Roy Munin, Jumpspeed Venture’s CEO Ben Wiener and Jerusalem Development Authority’s Tourism Director Ilanit Melchior.The winner will be awarded a free pre-acceleration week in Bordeaux.33ENTREPRENEURS will host the team and facilitate with the press, mentors and other international tech start-ups with the purpose of building networks, getting feedback and further developing concepts.The winner will also be preselected to have the opportunity to enter the next promotion of accelerated start-ups with a funding up to €300,000.Teddy bear hospital Last week, the Bar-Ilan University Medical School in the Galilee inaugurated its “teddy bear hospital.” The initiative aims to dispel fear and anxiety among preschoolers regarding medical treatment in general and hospitals in particular. The project was started by medical students in collaboration with faculty.The hospital compound in Safed includes an emergency ward, an X-ray facility, operating rooms, orthopedic departments, hospital rooms and a dental clinic. Children from kindergartens and schools from the surrounding area were invited to visit the hospital and meet with medical students who treated the children to an exciting day of learning about nutrition and healthful eating.Each child was given a teddy bear to carry along to each doctor’s visit. Medical students performed as the doctors while they told the children about medications (which were really fruits, vegetables and sugar-free candies) as children’s music played in the background.More than 1,000 children from the surrounding area participated in this unique program.If you run a young start-up, have developed an interesting app or have a question, please feel free to contact by Hannah Hochner.