The Friends of the Israel Conservatory of Music in Tel Aviv, chaired by retired judge Michal Rubinstein-Shamgar, held its annual meeting last week at the conservatory.
By MICHAL GALANTIURIEL AND Judith Lynn.(photo credit: AVIV HOFI)1. Music in Tel Aviv The Friends of the Israel Conservatory of Music in Tel Aviv, chaired by retired judge Michal Rubinstein-Shamgar, held its annual meeting last week at the conservatory.The venue hosted musician and composer Yoni Rechter, who performed a concert of his best works, titled “Every Time that I Play.” Enjoying the show were Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai and his wife, Yael, the conservatory’s director, Costin Canellis-Olier, retired Supreme Court president Meir Shamgar, the conservatory’s executive committee director Gaby Baron and former deputy president of the Supreme Court Theodore Or.2. American footballThe Israeli High School Football League, sponsored by the Kraft family, had its championship game last week, featuring the Kfar Saba Hawks facing off against the Haifa Rams. The Hawks’ offense dominated the day, winning 52-38. The Sharon region team won the title for the sixth year in a row, with coach Itai Ashkenazi happily receiving the trophy from Steve Leibowitz, the AFI president. Ashkenazi’s father, former chief of staff Gabi Ashkenazi, met with the teams before the game to talk to them about fighting spirit.3. Revolutionary bookPresident of the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce Uriel Lynn, and his wife, Judith, were hosted at the Tel Aviv Hilton last Monday to launch Lynn’s new book Birth of a Revolution.Speakers included Prof. Aharon Barak, former Supreme Court president and attorney-general; former minister and jurist Prof. Amnon Rubinstein; and High Court of Justice expert Dr. Rhanan Har-Zahav.Others legal experts in attendance included Elisheva Barak, Yossi and Zvia Gross, Isaac and Rina Zamir, Uriel Reichman, Dorit and Yehezkel Beinish, Ayala Procaccia and Dalia Horovitz.
4. TAU friends To mark the swearing in of the new US administration, Friends of Tel Aviv University Associations president Amnon Dick and CEO Sigal Adar hosted an event for its members. Last week, the members watched a pre-screening of the film Jackie, starring Natalie Portman. University president Prof. Joseph Klefter thanked Dafna Meitar Nechmad for leading the university in its fundraising campaign, which reached a billion dollars for the next 10 years, and he gave one of the university’s most important donors, Sami Sagol, a bouquet of flowers for his 75th birthday.Before the screening, Dick spoke with Prof. Yossi Shain, head of the political science department, on the topic of female presidents and their role in history. Tova Sagol, Anat Levin, Meir Baron, Gabi Lest, Ayal Valdman and others were also there to watch the screening.5 Limmud FSUMore than 650 people from more than 20 countries took part in the first pan-European Limmud FSU conference, dedicated to teaching Jewish studies in the Diaspora, in particular to those from the former Soviet Union. Aaron Frenkel, president of Limmud, chairman Matthew Bronfman, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations Malcolm Hoenlein and Ambassador to the United Kingdom Mark Regev participated.