The World Jewish Congress and the Menachem Begin Heritage Center will host a lecture in English by Deborah Lipstadt, professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies at Emory University in Atlanta, where she directs the Institute for Jewish Studies.
The World Jewish Congress and the Menachem Begin Heritage Center will host a lecture in English by Deborah Lipstadt, professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies at Emory University in Atlanta, where she directs the Institute for Jewish Studies. She will speak on "Lies and Damned Lies: Holocaust and Genocide Denial." The lecture will begin at 5:30 p.m. at the Begin Center, 6 Nahon Street, Jerusalem, adjacent to the Cinematheque.
Monday, June 26:
"Mizrachi Identity Today - Between Acknowledgement and Action" is the subject of a symposium that begins at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, 43 Jabotinsky Street at 7:30 p.m.
"Facing Modernity: Rethinking 'Ulama' in the Arab Middle East" - a two-day conference in English sponsored by the Nehemia Levtzion Center for Islamic Studies of the Hebrew University, opens at 9 a.m. at the Belgium House Faculty Club, the Hebrew University Edmond J. Safra Campus, Givat Ram. For further details:
Jewish Languages and Hebrew - the second international four-day conference in Hebrew sponsored by the Hebrew University's Center for Jewish Languages and Literature opens at 10 a.m. at the Maiersdorf Faculty Club, the Hebrew University, Mount Scopus. For further details, call: (02) 588-3358.
In preparation for the 2006 World Schools Debating Championships taking place in Cardiff, Wales, in early July, the Israel national team will test its power of oratory in a demonstration debate at the offices of the British Council, Jerusalem (opposite the Malha shopping mall) at 7:30 p.m.
The Beit Ariela Cultural Center, in conjunction with the Polish Institute, will host a meeting between young Polish and Israeli writers Dorota Maskowska, Wojciech Kuczok, Mikolaj Lozinski, Nir Baram, Alon Hilu and Orna Cousin. The event will be moderated by Michael Handelsalc, who happens to be of Polish background, and Rafal Skapski. The meeting will commence at 7 p.m. at Beit Ariella, 25 King George Street, Tel Aviv.
Tuesday, June 27
Religious Actors in the Middle East Conflict - a two-day conference in English sponsored by the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace of the Hebrew University and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, opens at 7 p.m., at the Konrad Adenauer Conference Center, Mishkenot Sha'ananim. For further details, call: (02) 588-2329.
Kesselman and Kesselman PwC is organizing a conference on "The Life Cycle of an Israeli Tax Investment in the US; Selected Tax Issues." The conference will begin at 9 a.m. at the Dan Hotel, Tel Aviv with the participation of Oscar Teunissen - Partner, National Leader - US Inbound Tax Group, PwC; Oren Penn - Tax Partner, Washington National Tax Services, PwC; Horacio Pe a- A leading US Transfer Pricing Partner and Co-leader of Israel-US TP Team, PwC; Jules Reich -Tax Partner, M&A - PwC US; Gerry Seligman -International Tax Partner, Head of Tax Department, Kesselman & Kesselman PwC Israel; and Omri Yaniv - Manager, International Tax Services, PwC US. They will discuss everything that the Israeli investor needs to know when preparing to invest in the US, including management fees and taxes.
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Tel Aviv University and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation will co-host a symposium on Defining Israel's Permanent Borders. The venue is the Yad Avner Building, Hamiflasim Street, Afeka, Tel Aviv. The subject will be addressed by academics from the two universities as well as the University of Haifa. The symposium begins at 2 p.m
US Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales will speak on Global Law Enforcement in a Post 9/11 world. At 4 p.m. in the Malka Brender Hall of the Trubowitz Building on the Tel Aviv University campus. His address is under the auspices of the Jaffee Center for strategic Studies, the Buchmann Law Faculty, and the Marsha Riklis program on Israel-America Relations.
Wednesday, June 28
The Jerusalem Conference for the promotion of economic and urban development will take place at the Jerusalem Convention center, Binyanei Ha'Uma, from 9 a.m. with the participation of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Finance Minister Avraham Hirchson, Foreign Minister Tzippi Livni, Minister for Industry and Trade Eli Yishai and Minister of Housing and Construction Meir Sheetrit. To register, call: 1-800-444-457
"Ties Between Academia and the Field" - a conference in Hebrew dealing with various social problems in Israel today, sponsored by the Hebrew University Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and the Welfare Department of the City of Jerusalem, opens at 9 a.m., at the Maiersdorf Faculty Club, the Hebrew University, Mount Scopus. For further details, call: (02) 588-1477.
Thursday, June 29
Senior representatives of the Israel Securities Authority, the Taxation Authority, the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, the Supervisor of Banks, Israeli and overseas banks, law, accountancy and corporate investment firms, and the State Attorney's office will be among the speakers at a conference on The Next Financial Revolution organized by Maariv Congresses. The keynote speaker will be Governor of the Bank of Israel, Stanley Fischer. The conference opens at 9 a.m. at Prime, in Gan Oranim, Tel Aviv. For details and registration, call: (03) 561-6600.