Much more gloomy While everyone is looking toward the European Central Bank, Fischer’s forecast, as with its two alternatives, explains something about the things currently being said by central-bank leaders.The Fischer of November 2011 is much more gloomy than the Fischer we used to know in 2008. His appearance reminded me in many respects of his speeches during the year of the financial crisis, when Fischer told the Israeli public a financial and economic storm was closing in on Israel that will damage the economy. There were hints of a storm then, and now there are more than just hints that a storm is coming our way. This explains why Fischer is not in the mood to quietly let the politicians get away with their deals to raise the budget.
Commentary: Fischer’s concern hints at storm ahead
The Fischer of November 2011 is much more gloomy than the Fischer we used to know in 2008.
Much more gloomy While everyone is looking toward the European Central Bank, Fischer’s forecast, as with its two alternatives, explains something about the things currently being said by central-bank leaders.The Fischer of November 2011 is much more gloomy than the Fischer we used to know in 2008. His appearance reminded me in many respects of his speeches during the year of the financial crisis, when Fischer told the Israeli public a financial and economic storm was closing in on Israel that will damage the economy. There were hints of a storm then, and now there are more than just hints that a storm is coming our way. This explains why Fischer is not in the mood to quietly let the politicians get away with their deals to raise the budget.