<u><b>New on Ask the Expert</b>:</u> Elderly care expert
An expert in the elderly care field answers your questions and provides you with the information you need to make crucial and timely decisions regarding your loved ones.
By AMIRAM BARABANAmiram Baraban is the director and manager of Baraban Consulting, which specializes in elder-care issues, including nursing home referral services, and general elder care issues. With 10 years experience, Amiram Baraban holds a BA in Business Administration from Florida International University and a Certificate in Nursing Home Management from a Government Institute. He has worked extensively in the field in Israel. Baraban Consulting's services provide insights into the intricate world of elderly care and assist in making crucial and timely decisions regarding your loved ones. Click here to send your questions to AmiramVol IQ: Your response to the woman in the first question (69 yrs old, single) states that many options are available. What if she is an English speaker (only)?
A: In general, almost every person in Israel has at least some command of the english language.
Assisted living facilities are a successful melting pot. They accommodate residents with diversified cultural and language background.
Some homes are known for having a high ratio of english-speaking people. They are located mainly in the center of Israel and Jerusalem. To summarize, you will feel at home as an english-speaker.
Q: Any idea where I can get a list of 'assisted living facilities' and/or
'senior living communities' in Israel? A friend suggested a website; however, it is in Hebrew and all I get is ????? I live in the US now; however, I do remember seeing one in Bat Yam many years ago. Any assistance would be appreciated.
A: Some of the assisted-living facilities/retirement communities, include an english version of their web-sites.
In Bat-Yam: www.mishkenot-clal.co.il, also Mishan which operates a few communities throughout Israel: www.mishan.co.il
I believe an english index will be available in the near future.
Q: Hi! I'm planning to make aliyah in about 2 years. I have a PhD in nursing and extensive education and experience in working with the elderly, boht in institutional settings and in the community. I'd like to find employment/volunteer positions that would use my array of knowledge and skills. Can we talk? Thanks!
A: Shalom. The land of milk and honey can be a haven for elderly people who choose to retire in Israel, and the proffessionals who care for them. Employment opportunities in the care industry are virtually limitless. They range from heping long-term patients to assisting independent people in retirement communities. A good place to start you inquiry is Eshel - The Association for the Planning and Development of the Aged in Israel.
Their website is www.eshelnet.org.il They have an english version. Good luck.
Q: I am approaching 69 yrs. I am a single female with no familly in Israel and limited finances. In addition to bituach leumi, I will receive a pension of about nis 850/mo. I have a disability insurance policy which should pay for about 50% of a caretaker's wages/month, not more, if it comes to that. What does somene in my position do if it is necessary to move to a limited assistance facility or full care facility?
A: Good news. In Israel there is a diversity of assisted living facilities which are supervised/regulated by the government.
Generally, their goal is to meet both your social and physiological needs, or in simple words, to improve life quality.
It's possible even with limited financial means to be admitted to some of those homes.
Under certain conditions, government support can be extended to eligible applicants.
Timing is very much of the essence here. One should not wait until things deteriorate or sometimes get out of hand before entering an assisted-living facility.
If you would like us to indicate a suitable place for you, we will need additional info, including medical/social background, geographical preferences and so on.
All the best.
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