Readers' Rap: Poland, the West and the Jewish problem: The past as future

Regardless of what we may wish to believe, we and our children, and their children's children, will never be secure in the Diaspora.

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readers rap 88
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Poland, the West and the Jewish problem: The past as future Posted by David Turner, Richmond, USA "Jews are a detriment to Europe, Polish politician says" was the headline of an article that appeared in the 19 February edition of the Jerusalem Post. Predictably, the article attracted responses ranging from Poles defending their anti-Semitism to Jews wishing to forgive and forget. At least the anti-Semites are honest to themselves! I "Jews are a detriment to Europe" is very close to the German slogan, Die Juden sind unser ungluck (the Jews are our misfortune) which provided justification for Europe's nearly successful effort to rid the world of Jews. Curiously, German racist ideology also nearly eliminated Poland's intelligentsia and political elite, themselves defined as "untermenschen," but that didn't stop the Poles from cooperating in the elimination of Jews from their midst during the war. And after the war, when those few survivors of the camps attempted to return to their homes, former neighbors attacked and murdered them for their efforts. Why are we Jews surprised that anti-Semitism survived the war, that it slinks in the shadows awaiting an opportunity to complete the job? What motivates those among us who would "forgive and forget" the Holocaust, despite the obvious danger? Read the rest of this blog To read more JPost blogs click here » * * * Previous Readers' Raps
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