Anotherquestion which often comes my way is, “Why does Israel receive more news coverage(mostly all negative) than virtually all other countries in the world?”Both of these are valid and highly complex questions.
The firstquestion is the easiest to answer. If the Bible is true (and I believe it is),the Palestinians will never accept Israel's existence — becauseto do so would go completely against all Muslim teachings. The Koranteaches that all who are not of the Muslim faith must convert or die. Forthe Muslim Palestinians to accept Israel would mean them denying someof the basic fundamentals of Islam.
MostPalestinians are fed a constant diet of Islamic teaching from the moment ofbirth. They are brainwashed into believing that Israel has no right to the landand, in fact, that neither Jews nor Christians have the right to exist. TheKoran says all who refuse to worship the Muslim god named Allah are infidelsand must be eliminated through jihad or whatever means will accomplish the goalof Islamic world domination.
The Koranalso teaches that Abraham’s first son, Ishmael, who was born to Hagar, theEgyptian servant of Abraham’s wife, Sarah, along with Ishmael’sancestors, are the rightful heirs to Israel. Such Koranic teachingsare in stark contrast to the Bible and Torah. Both of these holy books clearlystate that God made an eternal covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and thatIsaac is the promised son through whom God Almighty promised the land of Israel. However, Muslims will notaccept that Isaac, born to Abraham’s wife, Sarah, is the promised seedand that he and his descendants are the rightful heirs to the land of Israel.
Time andtime again, the Torah and the Bible have proven to be the true word of theliving, holy, Almighty God. Thousands of years ago, the ancient prophetsspelled out God’s plan for the Jewish people, and everything written hascome to pass. These books foretold the horrific crimes which would beperpetrated against the Jewish people and how they would be scattered over theface of the earth. They also foretold how one day these scattered peoplewould return to their promised land of Israel — overcoming seeminglyimpossible obstacles.
The Biblealso asks (and answers) the question, “Can a nation be born in aday?” Well, we know that it can — and modern-day Israelis the proof. On May 14, 1948, Israel was reborn as anation. Yet despite God’s eternal covenant with the Jews and theUnited Nations’ recognition of Israelas a sovereign nation in 1948, Israelhas been under constant attack by those who follow Islamic teachings. RadicalMuslims have done everything within their power to annihilate Jews worldwide,yet time and time again they have failed.
One thing isfor certain: God neither slumbers nor sleeps as He watches over Israel. TheBible also says that once the people of Israel become a nation, they willnever again be removed from the land. God calls the Jews “the appleof His eye.” What radical Muslims must learn is that God Himself has aspecial plan and purpose for the people of Israel, and what He says He means.And He says: Hands off the Jewish people and the land of Israel.